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wickeder Meaning in marathi ( wickeder शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


नैतिकदृष्ट्या वाईट किंवा व्यावहारिकदृष्ट्या वाईट,


डोकरा, ख्रिस्तविरोधी, पापाचे व्यसन, चिडखोर, दुर्भावनापूर्ण, भ्रष्ट, खटबरुध, हानीकारक, कु, क्रूर, कुत्री, उद्ध्वस्त, पापी, नस्तामती, नाछार, खलनायक, वाईट, नशा, क्रूरता,

wickeder's Usage Examples:

a hard-nosed and down-to-earth politician in Mowat"s service: The more wickeder he is, playing euchre and swearing and entertaining thirsty strangers,.

Maniac, a villain with a wicked grin and even wickeder superpowers.

and down-to-earth politician in his service, as noted by Grip: The more wickeder he is, playing euchre and swearing and entertaining thirsty strangers,.

But why is he wickeder than other men? Why was he born thus? Who made him what he is? An ardent.


vicious, sinful, ungodly, evil, nefarious, flagitious, heavy, peccable, unredeemable, peccant, irredeemable, unreformable, villainous, impious, unrighteous, wrong, immoral, heinous, iniquitous, irreclaimable,


moral, righteous, right, virtuous, pious, good,

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