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wheaten Meaning in marathi ( wheaten शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

संधिप्रकाश, गहू तयार,


संधिप्रकाश, गहू तयार,

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wheaten मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

संधिप्रकाशात गाण्याचे रागही आहेत.

उदाहरणार्थ, मगरीबची नमाझ सूर्यास्तानंतर आणि पश्चिमेकडून लाल संधिप्रकाश गायब होण्यापूर्वी कधीही करता येते.

प्रात:कालीन आणि सायंकालीन संधिप्रकाश राग वैशिष्ट्यपूर्ण आहेत.

संध्याकाळी, सूर्य अस्ताला जात असताना निसर्गात उठणाऱ्या रंगतरंगांच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर त्यांच्या कविता मानवी दुःखाचे अपूर्व चित्रण करतात आणि जड व चैतन्याच्या संगमावर तरळणाऱ्या संधिप्रकाशात इंद्रियगोचर सृष्टीपलीकडील अज्ञात प्रदेशाच्या लोभस खुणाही दाखवितात.

‘चकवाचांदण’ हे नाव त्यांना संधिप्रकाश आणि गूढता यांचे प्रतीक वाटले.

हे साप संधिप्रकाशात (पहाटे आणि संध्याकाळी) किंवा रात्री सक्रिय असतात.

wheaten's Usage Examples:

The coat may be red-blond, wheaten, or cinnamon-coloured.

Dark red is often mistaken as the only correct colour, possibly because wheaten coats are often of worse.

is usually made with a combination of whole wheat atta flour and white wheaten maida flour and cooked on the convex side of a karahi.

and a double coat, which come in red, tan, wheaten, black and tan, and grizzle.

Baragwaneth, Baragwnath and Baragwanoth; the meaning of bara gwaneth is "wheaten bread" (though Charnock prefers bar gwaneth, "the top of the wheat field").

In Ulster, the wholemeal variety is usually known as wheaten bread and is normally sweetened, while the term "soda bread" is restricted.

Terrier has a harsh weather-resistant outer coat that can be black, cream, wheaten, red, sandy, gray, or brindled in any of these colors.

The color of the coat may be wheaten or blue (the latter usually with brindling), with both wheaten and blue encompassing a range of shades.

In Ulster, the wholemeal variety is usually known as wheaten bread and.

Scotties with wheaten (straw to nearly white) coats sometimes occur, and are similar in appearance to the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier or West Highland.

coloured golden red, red wheaten, or wheaten.

Ridgebacks are typically muscular and have a light wheaten to red wheaten coat, which should be short, dense, sleek and glossy in appearance.

Summer in her wheaten garland crown"d; Here Autumn the rich trodden grapes besmear.


wholemeal, whole-wheat,

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