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weatherize Meaning in marathi ( weatherize शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

हवामान बदलणे


स्टन, स्तरित,

weatherize मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

योनीचे आतील अस्तर स्तरित पट्टकी उपकलेने बनलेले असते.

वर्धेच्या सखल मैदानी प्रदेशात काळी, सुपीक रेगूर मृदा आहे; तसेच हा स्तरित खडकांचा भाग असल्याने येथे दगडी कोळशाचे साठे विपुल प्रमाणात सापडतात.

विंडोज २००० ने पारदर्शकता, अर्धपारदर्शकता तसेच सावल्या, प्रवणता पूर्तके व सर्वोच्च पातळीच्या खिडक्यांसाठी अल्फा एकजीव चित्रमय वापरकर्ता व्यक्तिरेखा घटक हे वापरता यावेत म्हणून स्तरित खिडक्या सादर केल्या.

अंतर्गत रचनेनुसार स्तरित व अस्तरित असे दोन प्रकार पडतात, तर घटकद्रव्यांनुसार सिलिकायुक्त, कॅल्शियमयुक्त व मृण्मय असे तीन प्रकार होतात.

जात ही अशी स्तरीकरणाची व्यवस्था आहे, ज्याच्या सदस्यत्वासाठी त्या स्तरित गटातच जन्म घेणे आवश्यक आहे.

वेगवेगळ्या भाषिक भागांमध्ये, शेकडो जातींची स्तरित व्यवस्था सर्वांनीच स्वीकारलेली दिसते.

ह्या स्तरित व्यवस्थेच्या सर्वात वरच्या भागावर नेहमीच ब्राह्मण होते, परंतु काही परिस्थितींमध्ये हा मुद्दा वेगळा असू शकतो.

मृण्मय व स्तरित प्रकारचा हा दगड पत्रित रचनेचा असून त्याचे पातळ तक्ते काढता येतात.

weatherize's Usage Examples:

with cities, and smarter use of energy within homes, • "55 billion to weatherize low-income homes, • "41.

burglarize, accessorize, itemize, editorialize, customize, notarize, weatherize, winterize, Mirandize; and so are some back-formations (locate, fine-tune.

after the fire, and was used as a summer cottage until 1994, when it was weatherized for year-round occupancy.

estimates that up to February 2018[update] over 7 million homes have been weatherized, giving yearly savings of 2.

it is not uncommon for the pot"s surface to be stained or otherwise weatherized to give a more vintage appearance.

For All movement is job security: You can"t take a building you want to weatherize, put it on a ship to China and then have them do it and send it back.

widespread power outages were caused by the infrastructure not being weatherized.

wrapping the hot water tank, installing an energy-efficient dryer vent, weatherize the basement, and insulating the attic in order to reduce energy consumption.

The utility has weatherized more than 60,000 homes, recycled more than 33,000 older, energy-wasting.

buildings in the United States should be upgraded, as well as 2 million weatherized in 4 years.

Housing and Urban Development, portions of Old Main were painted and weatherized, and a study was undertaken to examine further avenues for historical.

Partnering with conservation organizations, community groups worked to weatherize homes and businesses, plant trees and flowers, and add elements of "green.

The Administration Building has been weatherized and buttoned up to prevent further decay and will be saved for future.

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