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weaknesses Meaning in marathi ( weaknesses शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कमजोरी, दोष द्या, मिनमिन, नपुंसकत्व, वंध्यत्व, कोमलता, क्षय, पेटणी, पडणे, अशक्तपणा, दिव्यांग,


दोष द्या, अशक्तपणा, मिनमिन, नपुंसकत्व, वंध्यत्व, क्षय, पेटणी, पडणे, कोमलता, दिव्यांग,

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weaknesses मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सोबत डोके-डोळे दुखणे, अंगदुखी, अशक्तपणा, अंगावर लाल रंगाचा चट्टा येऊ शकतो.

वांझपणा, वारंवार गर्भपात, स्नायूंचा अशक्तपणा, लाल रक्तपेशींचे विघटन, वृषणी ऱ्हास (??).

अशक्तपणा, कावीळ, कृमींचा त्रास, जुलाब, पोटातील मुरडा, मधुमेह, मूळव्याध, संधिवात, हगवण अशा निरनिराळ्या व्याधींमध्ये गुळवेलीचा उपयोग होतो.

अधिक तहान लागणे, तोंड कोरडे पडणे, अशक्तपणा, डोके हलके झाल्यासारखे वाटणे, उभे राहिल्यानंतर चक्कर येणे, मूत्राचा रंग काळपट होणे, मूत्रविसर्जन कमी होणे या गोष्टी शुष्कतेचे दर्शक आहेत.

पुरुषी अहंकारापोटी व 'अशक्तपणा येतो' हे खोटे कारण सांगून पुरुष टाळाटाळ करतात व स्त्रियांवर शस्त्रक्रिया करून घेण्याची जबाबदारी टाकतात.

यामुळे शरीरातील पाण्याची कमी भरून निघते , तसेच अशक्तपणा ही काही प्रमाणात कमी होतो.

जास्त प्रमाणात कर्बोदकांचे सेवन केल्यास लट्ठपणा येतो, कमी प्रमाणात सेवन केल्यास अशक्तपणा येतो.

ब्रायोनिया संवेदनक्षमता, अशक्तपणा किंवा तहान लागणे यासाठी, फायटोलॅक्का मोठ्या प्रमाणात ग्रंथीना सूज आली असल्यास वापरतात.

वारंवार झोप नीट न झाल्यामुळे दुसऱ्या दिवशी त्यांना अशक्तपणा, निरुत्साह, उदासीनता जाणवते.

पिट्टू किंवा गिलार, हगवण, कंबरेखालच्या भागाचा पक्षाघात, अशक्तपणा यांशिवाय पोटफुगी, ॲसिटोनीमिया, गर्भिणी  विषबाधा, अस्थिभंग  वगैरे   रोग  शेळ्यांना  होतात.

उलट्या, जुलाब यामुळे शरीरातील पाण्याचे प्रमाण कमी होऊन अशक्तपणा येतो.

[२] जोखीम घटकांमध्ये स्थितीचा कौटुंबिक इतिहास किंवा हायपरथायरॉईडीझम , अलोपेशिया एरेटा आणि हानिकारक अशक्तपणा यासारख्या इतर ऑटोम्यून रोगांचा समावेश आहे.

weaknesses's Usage Examples:

His main weaknesses are his mental strength, slow court speed and comparatively weak serve, the latter two which significantly prevents his success on fast surfaces.

should get half because he had exploited her weaknesses so much as to vitiate her consent to the contract, and she was vulnerable to this because she.

relative strengths and weaknesses of three classes of ultimacy models: agential-being models that conceive God as a person with intentions and agency,.

Both can be effective for different reasons having to do with depth, opponent's strength or weaknesses, etc.

As it unmasks the language of propaganda, her poetry also indicates the weaknesses of.

ability to throw accurately, handle or catch the ball under pressure, avoid tacklers, or read and exploit defensive weaknesses; which are less of a priority.

Davydenko's main weaknesses were his volleys, and his occasional inability to close out matches.

They also learn their weaknesses at the same time, find his or her vulnerabilities and once they find that soft spot they can use it against them.

He is either very good at guessing or possesses some form of telepathy as he can figure out the personality faults and mental weaknesses of a person within moments.

more sophisticated, the virtues and weaknesses of buttress dams have become apparent.

is based on DES, a well-studied block cipher, the LM hash has several weaknesses in its design.

Red Alert requires each player to use their side's strengths in order to compensate for their weaknesses, in contrast to games such as Total Annihilation or Tides of Darkness, in which both sides have units with similar abilities and rely on outnumbering or possessing a better-balanced force than their opponent.

He ridicules the powerful, laughs at them, and then carries on with his simple life but has the same attitude towards the people's own weaknesses and prejudices.


insufficiency, imperfectness, inadequacy, imperfection, fatigue, flaw, failing,


largeness, inelegance, tactlessness, activeness, perfection,

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