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water supply Meaning in marathi ( water supply शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पाणीपुरवठा, पाणी पुरवठा आणि साठवण व्यवस्था, पाणी साठवण,


पाणीपुरवठा, पाणी साठवण,

water supply मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ग्रामपंचायतीमार्फत सार्वजनिक स्वच्छता, पाणीपुरवठा, आरोग्य, रस्तावीजपुरवठा केला जातो.

वैजापूर शहरास पाणीपुरवठा करण्यासाठी नारंगी-सारंगी जंक्शन आहे.

तागडगांव येथे छोटासा जलाशय असून याद्वारे शिरूरला पाणीपुरवठा होतो.

पवई गावाला पाणीपुरवठा करण्याची गरज भासू लागली तेव्हा मिठी नदीच्या प्रवाहात १० मीटर उंचीची दोन धरणं बांधण्यात आली.

ग्रामपंचायततर्फे सार्वजनिक स्वच्छता, पाणीपुरवठा, आरोग्यसेवा,सार्वजनिक दिवाबत्ती, पावसाळ्याचे पाणी निचरा होण्यासाठी गटारबांधणी,इत्यादी कामे केली जातात.

महाराष्ट्र्रात प्रामुख्याने विदर्भामध्ये भंडारा, चंद्रपूर आणि गडचिरोली जिल्हयात तलावाच्या साहाय्याने पाणीपुरवठा केला जातो.

आजूबाजूच्या परिसरातील गोड्या पाण्याच्या झऱ्यातून जाणाऱ्या जहाजाला पिण्यायोग्य पाणीपुरवठा होत असे.

सार्वजनिक स्वच्छता, आरोग्य, वीजपुरवठा, पाणीपुरवठा ग्रामपंचायतीमार्फत पाहिला जातो.

त्यानंतर, शहराची लोकसंख्या वाढल्यामुळे व पाण्याचे इतर स्रोत उपलब्ध झाल्यामुळे या तलावातून पाणीपुरवठा करणे बंद झाले.

१) ग्रामआरोग्य, पोषण, पाणीपुरवठा, स्वच्छता कमिट्या.

छोट्या धरणातून पाणीपुरवठा होतो.

येथील नगरपालिका १८५८ मध्ये स्थापन झाली असून गावास शुद्ध पाणीपुरवठा, अग्‍निशामक सेवा, घरगुती, औद्योगिक, व्यापारी आणि सार्वजनिक उपयोगांसाठी वीज इ.

सार्वजनिक स्वच्छता, आरोग्य, पाणीपुरवठा, रस्तेवीजपुरवठा भांबेड ग्रामपंचायतीतर्फे पाहिले जाते.

water supply's Usage Examples:

This involves specifying, designing, constructing, and maintaining streets, sidewalks, water supply networks, sewers, street lighting, municipal solid waste management and disposal, storage depots for various bulk materials used for maintenance and public works (salt, sand, etc.

plumbed-in water supply and a drainage opening and is thus a type of plumbing fixture subject to local hygiene regulations.

duty air conditioning system, water supply, a refrigerator, electric sterilizer, medical cupboards and a large tent that can be erected from the rear.

In earlier years, access to piped water supply in Brazil stood at 92% and access to improved sanitation also at 79%.

could take 48 wagons and there was a 6th class station, with water supply, privies and urinals, a 300 ft (91 m) x 20 ft (6.

fifteenth day of Tybi of the present second indiction for the water supply of the crops of the third indiction by God"s help approaching.

Such blockages negatively impact water supply facilities, hydropower plants, nuclear.

1973 Water Act 1973 nationalises local authority water supply undertakings in England and Wales 1973 British.

Stringer hosted many Manhattan Community Boards to discuss the potential problems associated with fracking, such as contamination to the water supply.

facilities such as a non-computerised ticket counter, water supply, and urinals.

In the 1800s, the spring served as the water supply for the city of Santa Monica.

Springs have been used for a variety of human needs - including drinking water, domestic water supply, irrigation, mills, navigation, and electricity.

*Issue #13 (02/1988): Now back on the beat, Shatter tries to find out why and how lethal toxins which kill people got into the water supply in Utopia, Ltd.


bed, cornice, terrasse, retrofit, rim, brattice, dado, pump, hydrate, corbel, joint, scant, wharf, match, tap, kern, oversupply, crenel, crenelate, surfeit, date, calk, canal, key, causeway, whisker, hobnail, extend, stock, reflectorise, yield, gate, air-cool, grate, cloy, afford, copper-bottom, sanitate, berth, terrace, feed, uniform, glaze, victual, border, step, capitalize, headline, seat, computerise, fuel, machicolate, toggle, signalise, curtain, canalise, caption, articulate, partner, stock up, alphabetize, canalize, pour, upholster, equip, transistorise, charge, shelter, provision, crenellate, rail, buy in, ticket, glass, hat, subtitle, render, theme, flood, air-condition, patch, cleat, signalize, innervate, costume, ramp, interleave, heat, fret, bush, stint, wive, fit out, index, fire, give, reflectorize, railroad, constitutionalize, outfit, top, purvey, glut, bewhisker, rafter, coal, skimp, top out, computerize, leverage, headquarter, fit, fund, tube, furnish, bottom, offer, transistorize, edge, water, provide, capitalise, tool, slat, arm,


kern, take, sufficient, derestrict, idle,

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