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walking Meaning in marathi ( walking शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चालणे, पाऊल, गुडघे टेकले, अभिसरण, नेव्हिगेशन, चरण चरण, हालचाल, पाऊलखुणा,


पाऊल, गुडघे टेकले, अभिसरण, चरण-चरण, नेव्हिगेशन, हालचाल, पाऊलखुणा,

walking मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पाऊलखुणा (दूरचित्रवाणी मालिका).

या शहरात इतिहासाच्या पाऊलखुणा प्रखरतेने जानवतात.

संस्कृतीच्या पाऊलखुणा.

पाऊलखुणा (काव्यसंग्रह).

जुन्या जाणत्या मोरेंनी जंगलात फिरुन आपल्या चारशे वर्षांपूर्वीच्या शौर्याच्या पाऊलखुणा शोधल्या.

'स्त्री विकासाच्या पाऊलखुणा' या पुस्तकाला महाराष्ट् सरकाराचा उत्तम साहित्यकृती पुरस्कार (२००५).

पाऊलखुणा (वंश या नाटकाचे व्यावसायिक रूप).

पाऊलखुणा (मराठी दूरचित्रवाणी मालिका; पटकथा-संवाद).

स्त्री विकासाच्या पाऊलखुणा (संपादित).

त्यावेळी उठलेल्या त्यांच्या कृष्णा घोडीच्या पाऊलखुणा त्या आठवणींना उजाळा देतात.

"प्राचीन शिलालेखात सापडतात लोणारी इतिहासाच्या पाऊलखुणा".

मराठयांच्या कर्तबगारीच्या पाऊलखुणा आजही या विभागात पहायला मिळतात.

walking's Usage Examples:

For the musical, Yamada performed tight-rope walking every day for three months in each show.

mobility modes including biking, public transit, walking, wheelchair use, scooting, skateboarding, etc.

The surrounding area is hillwalking country and Bishop"s Castle is a "Walkers are Welcome Town", gaining.

then mentioned: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, walking, carnal delectation.

From May to October one can see flocks of geese walking freely in the outfields, where they feed on the short summer grass without any supplementary feeding.

Popular uses include walking, dog walking, running, orienteering and rogaining, mountain biking, and horse riding.

While walking along the Thames Embankment in a thick fog, he said, he encountered a 16-year-old girl who was about to throw herself into the Thames.

After the Punisher cripples Elektra and kills the Kingpin, the Hand recovers the former, and euthanizes her when it becomes apparent that the severity of her injuries have rendered her incapable of ever walking again.

blisters developed that kept him from walking for several days but the sport piqued his interest.

In some more complex automatisms, the subject enters into the behaviors of sleepwalking while fully awake.

The TripAdvisor travel web site's users who have visited Port Elgin recommend the nearby MacGregor Point Provincial Park, the Saugeen Rail Trail walking/cycling route, the Brucedale Conservation Area with small camp sites, and the several nearby golf courses.

"Water walking" using such orbs has become popular in theme parks across the UK.

Mary claims they were out walking together at the time.


close, walk-to,


recede, rise, distant,

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