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void of Meaning in marathi ( void of शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शून्य, मागे घेतले, फुकट, वगळले,

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void of मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मांजरींचे शरीर इतर प्रजातींप्रमाणेच आढळते, त्यामध्ये एक मजबूत लवचिक शरीर, द्रुत प्रतिक्षेप, तीक्ष्ण दात आणि मागे घेतलेले लहान पंजे लहान शिकार.

याच्या बदल्यात क्लबांनी जी-१४ ही आपली संघटना बरखास्त केली आणि २००५पासूनचे फिफा विरुद्ध आपल्या खेळाडूंना झालेल्या इजांच्या मोबदल्याचे दावे मागे घेतले.

ने भारताचे निलंबन ११ फेब्रुवारी २०१४ रोजी मागे घेतले.

शेवटी २२ सप्टेंबर २०१३ रोजी उत्तर प्रदेश सरकारने त्यांचे निलंबन मागे घेतले.

निवडणुकीपूर्वी दशरथ सिंग संकवार (संयुक्त समाजवादी दल) आणि संजू कटियार (अपक्ष) यांनी आपले उमेदवार अर्ज मागे घेतले.

२६ ऑक्टोबर २०१८ रोजी यूपीएफएने राष्ट्रीय सरकारला समर्थन मागे घेतले.

द्रोणाचार्यांनी आज्ञा पाळली, शस्त्र मागे घेतले.

मात्र अवघ्या तीन वर्षांनंतर नव्या आंदोलनात झालेल्या हिंसेने व्यथित होऊन भरात आलेले आंदोलन महात्मा गांधींनी तडकाफडकी मागे घेतले.

अण्णांनी उपोषण मागे घेतले.

त्यानंतर महाविद्यालयाने ते आरोपपत्र मागे घेतले.

नानाजींच्या याच कामाचे फलित म्हणजे चित्रकूट क्षेत्रातील ८० खेड्यांमधील कोर्टामध्ये चालू असलेले जवळजवळ ६० टक्के खटले लोकांनी मागे घेतले व एकत्र बसून त्यावर निर्णय घेतले.

शेवटी चीनने आपले सैन्य व्हिएतनामच्या व्यापलेल्या भूमीतून मागे घेतले.

त्यांनी पुस्तक मागे घेतले आणि उर्वरित सर्व पुस्तके त्यांच्या साठ्यात टाकण्याचा निर्णय घेतला.

void of's Usage Examples:

nor goe, The plant is leafless, branchless, void of fruit, The beast is lustless, sexless, fireless, mute: The plant with plants his hungry paunch doth.

Yet, according to Pryima, Maykov was devoid of snobbishness and never saw himself occupying some loftier position even when mentioning 'crowds'.

considered as an Indian equivalent of Europe’s Formula Ford series, where it is void of aerodynamic aids like wings.

devoid of personality, this incredibly dull world-view update of Toto"s crassly professional sound manages to pillage several cultures at once without.

The mare in the vicinity is devoid of significant craters, but to the west is an area of low rises.

sexually hyperactive but devoid of affection, quits his job under a false pretence and flees to a chain hotel in another part of Paris.

Because the palate is devoid of freely moveable alveolar mucosa, there is no mucogingival junction.

She is presented as warm and engaging, devoid of the upper class pretensions that marked most of his other later period female portraits.

20th-century, Carey was represented as a balladeer whose fundamental moroseness was proven by his shameful suicide, and his plays, now devoid of topicality.

March and Lake also had problems, beginning with March's pre-production comment that Lake was a brainless little blonde sexpot, void of any acting ability, to which Lake retaliated by calling March a pompous poseur.

Some adult tooth whales express 77% OR pseudogenes and are completely devoid of olfactory.

Robert, browbeaten and seemingly devoid of personality (with even his sex life regulated.

Shortly after his release, Heywood had written to Edward Christian, Fletcher's older brother, that he would endeavour to prove that your brother was not that vile wretch, void of all gratitude .




fair, unclassified,

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