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vocative Meaning in marathi ( vocative शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बोलके, पत्ता अध्यापनशास्त्रीय आहे, वंदन,


पत्ता घेणारा,

vocative मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

(पहिली ओळ): सीतेची सुटका करणाऱ्या गंभीर हास्य असणाऱ्या, भव्य असा अवतार असणाऱ्या व ज्यांचेपासून सर्वत्र दया व शोभा प्राप्त होतात, अशाला (त्या रामचंद्राला) मी वंदन करतो.

संकटी पावावे, निर्वाणी रक्षावे, सुरवरवंदना|.

१ जानेवारी २०१८ रोजी, पुणे जिल्ह्यातील कोरेगाव भिमा येथे झालेल्या हिंसाचारास येथील "जय स्तंभा"ला मानवंदना देण्यासाठी गेलेल्या बौद्ध, अनुसूचित जाती व ओबीसी लोकांवर हिंदुत्ववादी लोकांकडून हल्ला करण्यात आला होता.

हा मदिर भोवताल स्वप्‍न-भारला (भावगीत, कवयित्री - वंदना विटणकर, संगीत - श्रीनिवास खळे).

मैत्री बँकिंगशी (वंदना धर्माधिकारी).

विदुषी कौसल्या मांजेश्वर, विदुषी वीणा सहस्रबुद्धे, पंडित प्रभाकर करंदीकर, श्रीमती सुनंदाताई निंबर्गी (वंदनाताई खोंड), डॉ.

खास कार्यक्रम ’शताब्दी वंदन'- २००९ हे ज्यांचे जन्मशताब्दी वर्ष आहे, अशा कविवर्य बा.

मास्टर कृष्णराव यांनी संगीतबद्ध केलेल्या बुद्ध वंदना मधील कोरसमध्येदेखील त्या गायल्या आहेत.

रे वंदना रवीन्द्र घांगुर्डे (माहेरच्या वंदना मधुकर पटवर्धन) या एक संगीत नाटकांत काम करणार्‍या मराठी गायिका आहेत.

राजकीय नेते व इतर मंडळी बाबासाहेबांच्या सार्वजनिक ठिकाणच्या आंबेडकर स्मृतीस्थळांना वंदन करतात.

vocative's Usage Examples:

company based in Austin, Texas which releases "provocative, visionary and artfully unusual films new and old from around the world".

Following the relocation, the magazine quickly developed a reputation for provocative and politically incorrect content.

Readers were able to vote on which posts they found "juiciest", or most provocative.

" Q writer Mat Snow said James wrote "11 tightly worked but airily evocative songs which should intrigue any connoisseur of a particularly.

nouns, the nominative singular, vocative singular, and accusative singular are identical; and the nominative plural, vocative plural, and accusative plural.

The media responded to Export's provocative work with panic and fear, one newspaper aligning her to a witch.

provocative movements during his performances and for his tendency to perform shirtless, with his skin oiled and with his hair in a ponytail.

his almost compulsive need to solve puzzles, his provocative mischievousness, his indignant impatience with pretension and hypocrisy, and his talent.

""Love Dealer" is introduced by Timberlake in provocative fashion, but his breathily suggestive vocals dominate the mix when contrasted with Denters’ lead.

OBJ) is a nominal case other than the nominative case, and sometimes, the vocative.

She gave a moving and evocative portrayal of her hard brutalized life as a sharecropper on a cotton plantation in the Mississippi Delta and the retaliation inflicted on her for trying to register to vote.

Nouns are inflected for four categories: the subordinative, possessive, locative and vocative.

" Daniel Wible of Film Threat described the film as "idyllically filmed" and having "a wonderfully evocative sense of place.


oblique case, vocative case, oblique,


convergent, parallel, divergent, nominative,

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