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viking Meaning in marathi ( viking शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वायकिंग, सर्वेक्षणाचे समुद्र दृश्य,



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viking मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या प्रस्तावाच्या वेळी तो फ्रांस जी Bengtsson ऐतिहासिक कादंबरी वाचून वायकिंग्ज आणि राजा हॅराल्ड ब्लूटूथ लांब बीटाचे होते.

वायकिंग १ सहा वर्षे कार्यरत होता तर वायकिंग २ तीन वर्षे.

थिंगवेथ्लिर (Þingvellir) येथे नॉर्वेच्या राजापासून स्वतःची सुटका करू पाहणार्‍या आणि शेती आणि पशुपालनासाठी नव्या जागा शोधणार्‍या वायकिंग लोकांनी ९व्या शतकात प्रवेश केला.

१९७०च्या मध्यातील वायकिंग मोहिमेमधील यानांनी मंगळावरील मातीमध्ये सूक्ष्मजीवांचे अस्तित्व तपासण्यासाठी काही प्रयोग केले.

तो वायकिंग टोळीप्रमुख व महान क्नुत राजाचा पिता होता.

चरित्रकार विक्रम संपत यांनी लिहिलेले आणि पेंग्विन वायकिंगने प्रकाशित केले.

नासामधील शास्त्रज्ञ गिल्बर्ट लेव्हिन यांच्या मते वायकिंगला मंगळावर खरोखरीच जीवन सापडले असावे.

viking's Usage Examples:

This war machine wreaks havoc among the Jomsvikings.

descriptions from records support the existence of double-bitted axes used by vikings.

However, there is another meaning of the word "viking": a raider or plunderer, of which there are many such characters in this film.

The hoard dates to the early 10th century, but the style is similar to coins of other viking kings of Northumbria.

In the story, Styrbjörn becomes the leader of the Jomsvikings and makes war against the Danes, until he makes peace with the Danish king Haraldr Gormsson who in return gave Styrbjörn his daughter and 100 ships.

further analyzed the two historical accounts - he saw no reason not to conflate the two accounts - finding chronological order matches between the saga text, and likely inferred journey to Georgia, and the historical events - and suggests that the alternative of the Georgian account referring to another 'viking' expedition is relatively unlikely.

ChartsPersonnelThe AquabatsThe MC Bat Commander – vocalsCrash McLarson – bass, vocalsChainsaw – viking axe guitarJimmy the Robot – keyboards, vocalsRicky Fitness – drums, percussion, sequencing, vocalsProductionProduced, engineered and mixed by Cameron Webb.


The museum exhibits items and discoveries from the ring castle, and educates about the vikings and the Viking Age.

A yearly viking-themed market takes place in Trelleborg's grounds, and also includes a large viking battle reenactment.

A yearly viking-themed market takes place on Trelleborg's grounds, and also includes a large viking battle reenactment, as well as various types of entertainment and education.


Norse, Scandinavian, Northman,

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