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unsureness Meaning in marathi ( unsureness शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




unsureness's Usage Examples:

A Taiwanese newspaper also reported of such uncertainty, linking the unsureness of being able to meet Ashcroft in relation to the gazing eyes of the People"s.

variation-selection model is “unsureness” in the process of selection.

that his mindset at the time was one of wanting to get paid despite his unsureness in the project or why the people involved wanted him to participate in.

her performance and the musical progressions of the song illustrate an unsureness and lack of faith.

India and Turkey"s relationship alters from unsureness to collaboration when the two nations work together to combat terrorism.

Both vicarious and overt trials suffer from unsureness which adds complication to.

language for pastoral situations", his works were more complex and marked by unsureness feelings.

as a director, still has a lot to learn about comedy set-ups and this unsureness is made the more evident by the contrast of the narrative stretches with.

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