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unburied Meaning in marathi ( unburied शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

जमिनीवर घातली आणि मातीने झाकली, हार्ड पाईप्सच्या मैलांमधील गळतीची तपासणी करण्यासाठी असंख्य संधी आहेत, अनेकदा समारंभांसह, ब्रिटीश कॉमनवेल्थला समर्पित सर्वात मोठ्या स्मशानभूमींमध्ये अनेक देशांमध्ये 12 स्मशानभूमी आहेत., 000 सैनिक दफन केले आहेत, जो रक्ताचा एक थेंबही न सांडता शांतपणे छातीतून चाकू काढत होता, शोधणे कठीण, भीती, ,

unburied's Usage Examples:

A relict sediment is an area of ancient sediment which remains unburied despite changes in the surrounding environment.

Krečane, at the very bank of the Una River, and their bodies were left unburied for two weeks.

of abuse for three days, Antigonus departed Pisidia leaving the corpse unburied.

Known as a modernist, in a city, he was also reported to have disliked excessive parking lots and unburied wires.

In revenge, Mithridates had Xiphares killed, leaving his corpse unburied.

On the following day, Mary of Guise, the regent, visited the island, to see the three and four hundred of her dead foes still unburied.

For weeks after the battle, vultures feasted on unburied corpses.

The victims exhibited signs of torture and were left unburied.

that those who could not pay the fee, or those whose bodies were left unburied, had to wander the shores for one hundred years, until they were allowed.

the priests of Amadioha, and the body is left unburied and the victim unmourned, as the punishment is considered to be a righteous one from God.

Among the few unburied exceptions are the secular Fuller Brooch, and two works made in Anglo-Saxon style carried to Austria by the Anglo-Saxon mission, the Tassilo Chalice (late 8th century) and the Rupertus Cross.

Because of Creon’s decree, their corpses remain unburied.

in the underworld, before he crosses Cocytus (which the ghosts of the unburied dead cannot cross into the underworld proper), where he asks how it came.

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