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unaccompanied Meaning in marathi ( unaccompanied शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सोबत नसलेला, सोबत नाही, संगीतहीन, विसंगत, एकटा, अविवाहित,


सोबत नाही, संगीतहीन, विसंगत, एकटा, अविवाहित,

unaccompanied मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

गिरी (१० ऑक्टोबर १९२९- ५ सप्टेंबर, १९८६ ) यांचे ‘मी एकटा निघालो’ (१९८३) ‘चंद्रायणी’ (१९८४) असे दोन संग्रह प्रसिद्घ आहेत.

सातव्या दिवशीं शिवाजी करी तयारीला । एकटा पुढें आपण झाला ॥.

अंधेरी उड्डाण पुलाच्या अलीकडे एक प्रचंड ‘राजजम्बू’ आपल्या झुलत्या फांद्या मिरवत एकटाच उभा आहे.

एकटा व्यक्ती सामाजिक समूह निर्माण करू शकत नाही.

वाघ हा एकटा रहाणारा प्राणी असून तो आपले क्षेत्रफळ राखून ठेवतो.

पाटील म्हणजे रात्री एकटाच अंधारात चमकनारा तारा.

त्याच रात्री तेंडुलकरांनी नाटकाचा पहिला अंक एकटाकी लिहून काढला.

माणूस कधीही एकटा नसतो.

एकटा जंगलात फिरू शकेल का ? खरंच कधी होईल? अली जमानी हे एक इराणी लक्षाधीश आणि उद्योजक आहेत.

पैकी ‘मी एकटा निघालो’ या संग्रहात प्रत्येक कवितेखाली तिचा लेखनकाल नोंदविलेला आहे.

जपानी भाषेत भाषेत सुडोकूचा अर्थ आहे "एकटा अंक".

जेव्हा एक पुरूष शिकतो तेव्हा तो एकटाच सुशिक्षित होतो मात्र जेव्हा एखादी महिला शिकते तेव्हा तिची पूर्ण पिढी सुशिक्षित होऊ शकते.

unaccompanied's Usage Examples:

such great liberty and freedom they nevertheless maintain an honesty and seemliness that are most commendable, often going about their business unaccompanied.

Choral variations for men"s, women"s and boys" voices, unaccompanied (organ ad lib), it was originally composed from 1932 to 1933.

incubated for a month, then the chick is fed for around 40 days until it fledges and flies unaccompanied to the sea.

1 (originally for wind orchestra), the first movement of Gustav Mahler's Tenth Symphony, and of the six unaccompanied violin sonatas of Eugène Ysaÿe as piano sonatas.

An Unaccompanied Refugee Minor (URM) is any person who has not attained 18 years of age who entered the United States unaccompanied by and not.

" The fourth, for unaccompanied cello, is marked "rhapsodically" (rapsodicamente), and has wide fluctuations of speed; it ends with.

Epiclesis is Solare's first piece for unaccompanied flute.

His heavy blues are electrified with orange iridescences and his reds never leave his blacks or dark greens unaccompanied.

Rehearsal letters are less useful in unaccompanied instrumental music such as the solo piano repertoire (although they may be used in duets), since the instrumentalist has no need to communicate to a fellow player where to resume playing.

It is occasionally used as a solo instrument for the performance of classical music, such as concertos and unaccompanied repertoire originally composed for solo cello.

He spent much of the voyage chaperoning various unaccompanied women.

Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic, unaccompanied sacred song in Latin (and occasionally Greek) of the.


stranded, isolated, tod, alone, marooned, lone, unattended, solitary, lonely,


gregarious, multiple, elated, social, accompanied,

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