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tympanum Meaning in marathi ( tympanum शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

टायम्पॅनम, कानातले, कान,

कानाची मुख्य पोकळी, कर्णपटल आणि आतील कानाच्या दरम्यान,


ढाका वाद्ये, मध्य कान,

tympanum मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

विष्णू प्रमाणे, ती हार, पाय, कानातले, बांगड्या इत्यादी दागिन्यांनी आणि किरीट - मुकुटाने सजलेली आहे.

दुकानातले काम संपले की एका ठरावीक उपाहारगृहात प्राण आणि त्यांच्या मित्रांची मैफिल रंगायची.

कर्जाची परतफेड म्हणून दीपू कानातले डूल काढून देते इंद्राला.

आजपर्यंत सापडलेल्या सर्वात जुन्या ममीच्या अवशेषांमध्ये कानातले दागिने आढळुन आले आहेत, याचा अर्थ् ५००० वर्षांपूर्वी कान टोचण्याचे प्रकार होत होते.

रेखाटनांमध्ये भयंकर दिसणारे दात आणि कानातले पंजे आणि एक लांब शेपटी असलेले हेडगियर समाविष्ट आहे जे जंगली राक्षसाच्या चपळ घडामोडींचा अचूक फोटो दर्शवते.

tympanum's Usage Examples:

the middle ear chamber there is an ossicle called the columella that is connected to the tympanum, and another ossicle, the operculum, that connects this.

The tympanum is an external hearing structure in animals such as mammals, birds, some reptiles, some amphibians and some insects.

stone with a triangular tympanum.

The tympanum shows Christ enthroned, sitting under a baldachin and flanked by the four Evangelists, each with his own attribute.

the tympanum to the oval window on the bony labyrinth (where they can be transduced into electrical signals transmitted to the nervous system).

"Three new species of spinule-bearing frogs allied to Rana megatympanum Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov.

The central arch, twice as wide as the other two, has a tympanum and is divided by a central column—a mullion—containing a depiction of.

Patterson Street, has a portico with six Corinthian columns, with dentils and modillions in its cornice and pediment, and decorative terra cotta in the tympanum.

The elements of a portal can include the voussoir, tympanum, an ornamented mullion or trumeau between doors, and columns with carvings.

cool-temperate water-skink, highland water skink, or Dreeite water skink (Eulamprus tympanum) is a medium-sized (maximum snout-vent length c.

other two, has a tympanum and is divided by a central column—a mullion or trumeau—containing a depiction of Saint James.

Bas-reliefs are decorating the tympanums above the frontal doors and the upper part of the facade.

A tympanum on the south wall of this Romanesque church still stands.


Eustachian tube, stapes, bodily cavity, cavity, stirrup, ossicle, bonelet, auditory tube, ossiculum, incus, middle ear, cavum, auditory apparatus, tympanic cavity, anvil, hammer, malleus,


effector, inattention,

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