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turnstone Meaning in marathi ( turnstone शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


तितर कुटुंबातील स्थलांतरित किनारे पक्षी जे अन्नाच्या शोधात दगडाकडे वळतात,

turnstone's Usage Examples:

birds as meadow pipits, turnstones, common ringed plovers, grey herons, dunlins, and curlews.

The site is an IBA for the megapodes, Far Eastern curlews, ruddy turnstones, great knots.

as well as a variety of gulls and smaller waders including redshanks, greenshanks, turnstones, ringed plovers, pied wagtails, and other sandpipers.

whistling green pigeons, wintering ruddy turnstones, migrating grey-tailed tattlers, and breeding colonies of bridled, roseate and black-naped terns.

shanks and tattlers, the Actitis and Terek sandpipers, and also of the turnstones and calidrids.

nationally important for other winter seabirds, including oystercatcher, turnstone, grey plover, red knot (known simply as knot), curlew, common redshank.

It often flips over stones and other objects to get at prey items hiding underneath; this behaviour is the origin of the name "turnstone".

Coastal birds include gulls, terns, turnstones, sanderlings, kentish plovers, herons and Socotra cormorants.

There are also ruddy turnstones, Eurasian oystercatchers and red-necked phalarope.

The Terek sandpiper likes to associate with ruddy turnstones (Arenaria interpres), smallish calidrids, and Charadrius (but maybe not.

scaup, sedge warbler, short-eared owl, shoveller, reed warbler, siskin, spotted crake, stonechat, teal, tufted duck, turnstone, wheatear, whinchat, whitethroat.

also winter visitors including black-tailed godwits, grey plovers and turnstones.

royal tern, greater flamingo, Eurasian spoonbill, curlew sandpiper, ruddy turnstone, and little stint.

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