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trepangs Meaning in marathi ( trepangs शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

ऑस्ट्रेलियापासून आशियातील उष्ण कटिबंधापर्यंत, विशेषत: चायनीज लोक अन्न म्हणून वापरतात,

trepangs's Usage Examples:

Kelp, trepangs, scallops and juvenile chum salmon are grown annually in specialized aqua.

[19]Upon request by JSC "Vostochny Port", annual kelp, trepangs, scallops and hatchlings of keta are grown.

the export of sea-kale, velvet antlers, timber, crab, dried fish, and trepangs.

being kidnapped by alien machines described her fellow alien prisoners as "trepangs".

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