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tremulant Meaning in marathi ( tremulant शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

थरथरणारा, कॉम्प, भ्याड, थरथरत, कंपन होत आहे,

tremulant मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अ‍ॅन खूप कृश झाल्याचे व थरथरत असल्याचे ब्लित्झला जाणवले.

कोलमडून पडलं तरी थरथरत्या पायांनी परत उभं राहावं लागतं.

सही करताना त्यांचा हात अतिशय थरथरत होता.

[]] तथापि, स्टॅंडर्ड मलय मधील आधुनिक नाव दहापट आहे, तर इंडोनेशियात ते थरथरते आहे.

tremulant's Usage Examples:

The Tibia is generally used as a chorus stop, with or without tremulant; it is not normally used as a solo stop due to its relatively dull tone.

A tremulant (from Latin: tremulus, "trembling"; French: tremblant, Italian: tremolo, Spanish: temblor) is a device on a pipe organ which varies the wind.

There is usually a tremulant on the wind for Tibia pipes - the increase and decrease of wind pressure.

As a rule, the stop is used with a tremulant, which undulates the wind supply, causing a vibrato effect.

tremulant (from Latin: tremulus, "trembling"; French: tremblant, Italian: tremolo, Spanish: temblor) is a device on a pipe organ which varies the wind supply.

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