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traumatized Meaning in marathi ( traumatized शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आघात, मारणे,

वर एक आघात दाबा,



traumatized मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या मालवणी बोलीभाषिक माणसाशी गप्पा मारणे हा विलक्षण अनुभव असतो.

मूल - आक्रंदन, आक्रोश, आरोळी देणे, ओरडणे, किंचाळी मारणे, टाहो फोडणे, बोंब मारणे, मुसमुस, हंबरडा फोडणे,.

आणखी एक विषय जो या नाटकात येतो तो म्हणजे "मुठ्या मारणे" अर्थात पुरुषांचे हस्त मैथुन, " या एका विषयाला नको तितक्या प्रमाणात पुढे ताणले आहे त्यामुळे या गंभीर विषयाचे भजे झाले आहे.

त्यापासून 'झक मारणे' असा पूर्ण वाक्प्रचार बनतो.

श्रीराम लोखंडे अभय मारणे (अजिंक्यचा मित्र).

मुठा खोऱ्याची देशमुखी मारणे देशमुख या ऐतिहासिक घराण्याला होती.

बळकट बांबूच्या काठीने हिटरला एक गोल मारणे किंवा धावणे आवश्यक आहे.

भारत सरकारने अजगर पाळणे, मारणे अथवा त्याचे कातडे जवळ बाळगणे यावर कायद्याने बंदी घातली आहे.

त्याने मंगळवार पोलीस चौकी जाळणे, तेथील पोलिसाना ठार मारणे व जमावाला भडकावणे असे खोटे आरोप ठेवून दि.

त्यांना कवटाळणे हे अस्वलास कवटाळण्याजोगे असल्याचे त्यांनी नोंदले आहे :" वाघासारखे इतर प्राणी हे शक्ती वा युक्तीने मारले जाऊ शकतात, परंतु अस्वल मारणे हे फारच कठीण असते.

या शिक्षेला सामान्य लोक ' पत्री मारणे ' म्हणत .

'मारणे' हे क्रियापद जोडल्यास होणारे अर्थ .

traumatized's Usage Examples:

After being traumatized by a near-death experience, Jeffries is relieved of active duty when.

A year later, he was so traumatized by that ordeal that he tried to stop Halloween from happening (by destroying all Halloween-related items, like pumpkins, costumes and candy), but is otherwise touched when he stumbles into a party that Scary Godmother, Hannah, and their friends were celebrating.

in an alternative future where the university student Rintaro Okabe, traumatized after his experiences with time travel, meets the neuroscientists Maho.

Nico is traumatized by those events and temporarily walked away from the Runaways.

traumatized after witnessing her former teacher, Richard Fenton (Schaech), brutally murder her entire family after he had become dangerously obsessed with.

He became an alcoholic, traumatized by the separation.

traumatized by the attack, Nicholas investigates a series of seemingly unpremeditated murders that follow: a mass stabbing at a supermarket, a mass shooting.

re-enactment, but the experience leaves Steve looking and acting like a traumatized Vietnam War veteran.

The whippings deeply traumatized Jackson and may have led to the onset of further health.

The incident leaves him slightly traumatized, now fully realizing his own mortality.

Bixby), a physician/scientist who, traumatized by the loss of his wife, douses himself with dangerously high levels of gamma radiation.

He has pyrophobia after being traumatized by a fire in his childhood, which also causes.

Dogme #28, Open Hearts relates the story of two couples whose lives are traumatized by a car crash and adultery.


injure, shock, wound, traumatise,


spread, uncoiled,

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