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tranship Meaning in marathi ( tranship शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

ट्रान्सशिप, एका वाहनातून दुसऱ्या वाहनावर स्विच करणे,



tranship मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या कूर्चा सांध्यांना सोयीस्कर बनवण्यासाठी हलविण्यासाठी मदत करते.

अक्षीय द्रवपदार्थ हलविण्यासाठी द्रव बाह्य किंवा अंतर्मुख केले जाते.

आज गडाच्या प्रत्येक वाटेवर फलक लावायची गरज आहे त्या लोखंडी बोर्डासाठी लागणारा खर्च, पावसाळ्यात टाक्यांचा उपसा करण्यासाठी मोटार पंप, टाक्यातील मोठया शिळा (दगड) हलविण्यासाठी चेन पुली, इत्यादि… आज दुर्गवीर प्रतिष्ठान श्रमदानासोबत गडाच्या घेऱ्यातील आदिवासींना मदत करण्याचेही कार्य करते.

हार्ड डिस्कची कार्यक्षमता, एखाद्या फाइलपर्यंत पोहचण्यासाठी फिरत्या हाताच्या टोकाला लागणारा वेळ (सरासरी प्रवेश वेळ) अधिक ती फाइल त्याच्या टोकाखाली हलविण्यासाठी घेतलेला वेळ (सरासरी प्रलंबित वेळ, भौतिक परिभ्रमण गतीचे कार्य, प्रति मिनिट परिक्रमा या एककामध्ये), तसेच फाइल प्रसारित करण्यासाठी लागणारा वेळ ((डेटा दर) या गोष्टीनी दर्शवल जातो.

tranship's Usage Examples:

At that point, the eastern division of the canal was joined to the railroad, allowing transhipment of traffic heading north along the river and then west.

the difficult conditions of the transhipment market in the Mediterranean and the competition from other major transhipment hubs in Greece, Egypt and Malta.

Shanghai in 1907 and converted to hulk and moved to Hankow as transhipment godown.

would be trans-shipped from rail to the respective operator depots to tranship pallet load freight.

2020 another war memorial was listed to remember workers from the Crewe tranship shed.

Storage hopper footings of a tranship stage are located along a rail spur line which terminates near the smelter floor.

A wharf on the River Frome at Ridge was once a major transhipment point for Purbeck Ball Clay.

Kitadu is fitted with large cranes which help tranship goods, especially containers, from wagons of one gauge to wagons of another.

Thereafter, the land routes to tranship camel caravans" goods were from Alexandria to ports on the Red Sea or the.

Jamaica is proposing to develop the Goat Islands, in the PBPA, as a transhipment hub in conjunction with the Chinese government.

Some of the major changes included the addition of a timber transhipment platform, lengthening of the station platform by 66m, and expansion of.

because it meant that the company had to operate two different systems and tranship goods.

This area encompasses and all fishing activity including transhipment, and dumping or discharge of waste is prohibited with the exception of scientific research endeavors.


shift, transfer,


strengthening, weakening, overgarment,

tranship's Meaning in Other Sites