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tranquilizing Meaning in marathi ( tranquilizing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शांत करणे, शांत व्हा, शांत करा, निराकरण करण्यासाठी,

शांत व्हा किंवा अजूनही करा,

tranquilizing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

आणि तरी जर आपण आम्हाला शिक्षा करणार असाल तर मग आम्ही कोणाचा बरे धावा करावा? हे प्रभो आपल्या शिवाय आम्हाला दुसरा कोणी तरी सोडवणारा आहे कां? त्यामुळे आपणच आम्हाला तारणारे आहात तेंव्हा कृपया शांत व्हा आणि आमच्या चित्ताला शांत करा.

चौदाव्या दिवशी घरात निधनशांत व उदकशांत करावी आणि मगच घरातील देवपूजा करावी.

तेंव्हा कृपया शांत व्हा आणि आमच्या चित्ताला शांत करा.

माझ्या चित्ताला शांत करा.

सिंधु नदी आणि तिच्या खोऱ्यातील इतर काही नद्यांच्या पाणीवाटपासंदर्भात जागतिक बँकेच्या पुढाकाराने दोन देशांत करार करण्यात आला.

tranquilizing's Usage Examples:

universe, her compassion for misfits, and, not least, her soothing, almost tranquilizing voice—there is something annoyingly synthetic about the work itself.

antipsychotics block the dopamine 2 receptor (D2) receptor, causing a tranquilizing effect.

stabilizers might also be considered to belong to the classification of tranquilizing agents.

It also has tranquilizing and respiratory-stimulating effects and has been sold as an antidepressant.

is ascribed various qualities including memory enhancing, nootropic, antistress, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, tranquilizing, and sedative.

His work at NASA led him to write Effects of some tranquilizing, analeptic and vasodilating drugs on physical work capacity and orthostatic tolerance.

drugs such as benzodiazepines like diazepam, it is a safer form of tranquilizing.

This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.

The entire group is knocked out by tranquilizing chemicals.

opioids such as carfentanil and etorphine which are only legally used for tranquilizing large animals such as elephants in veterinary medicine.

Werdegast treats Joan's injury, administering the tranquilizing drug [hydrobromide|hyoscine], causing her to behave erratically.

It also has mild tranquilizing effects and has been used in the treatment of anxiety.

opioid analgesics such as etorphine and carfentanil that are used for tranquilizing large animals.


depressant, ataraxic, tranquillising, tranquillizing, ataractic, tranquilising, sedative,


stimulative, analeptic, excitative, stimulant, excitatory,

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