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towered Meaning in marathi ( towered शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उंच, टॉवर केलेले, तटबंदी,


झोपडी, उंच इमारती, वाडा, मिनार, ठेवणारा,


हवेत उभे राहणे, उठ, उंच उठा, हवेत,

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towered मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

गडाला बऱ्यापैकी तटबंदी आहे.

झाडाच्या असंख्य मुळ्यांनी तटबंदीला चांगलेच जखडले आहे.

पडकोट मोठ्या प्रमाणावर नामशेष होत आला आहे, परंतु मुख्य किल्ल्याची तटबंदी मात्र अजूनही उत्तमपैकी शाबूत आहे.

डाव्याबाजूकडील तटबंदीवरून खाली बघितल्यास ५ पाण्याची टाकी दिसतात, पण तिथे पोचण्याची वाट अत्यंत कठीण आहे.

पाण्याच्या टाक्यांच्या पूर्वेस सलग तटबंदीचे अवशेष आढळले.

मुंबईच्या तटबंदीच्या शहरातील तीन वेशींपैकी एक या ठिकाणी होते.

तटबंदीमधे शौचकूप बनवलेले पाहायला मिळतात.

प्रवेशद्वारातील तटबंदीत सज्जा आहे.

सभोवारच्या तटबंदीचे व तलावाचे काम इ.

प्रत्येक सामंताची तटबंदीयुक्त गढी आणि त्या सभोवतालचा प्रदेश म्हणजे मॅनॅार होय.

तटबंदीमधील बुरुज गोलाकार असून त्यामध्ये जागोजागी मार्‍याच्या जागा केलेल्या आहेत.

मोठी तटबंदी, लांबीचे मोठे गोल बुरूज बांधले.

बुरुजाच्या बाजूने पडक्या तटबंदीमधून गडप्रवेश करावा लागतो.

towered's Usage Examples:

Barony of Aberconway Or, two chevronels invected gules, between two shepherd"s crooks in chief and in base a castle triple-towered sable, masoned argent.

began to correspond to a fashionable quadrangular, corner-towered Italian signorial palace, combining classical symmetry with neo-chivalric imagery.

The building was significantly extended to the east, with a new octagonally towered entrance, to the designs of George H.

The temple towered over the back of a theatre, which combined a central staircase with two cavea wings for spectators.

Fray Bernardino de Sahagún reported that the Sacred Precinct had 78 buildings; the Templo Mayor towered above all of them.

Inverquharity Castle was vacated; however, the current three-storey, towered and turreted structure dates from 1881, incorporating an 18th-century wing and stables.

The vast majority of the world"s airports are non-towered.

The site was once a fortress and governmental centre with towered and buttressed perimeter walls, massive gates, a parade ground within its.

Straight-in approaches are discouraged at non-towered airports in the United States.

Trump Twin Towers and World Trade Center Phoenix) was a proposed twin-towered skyscraper complex which would have been located at the World Trade Center.

one of the four athletes in the preceding 30 years "who towered head and shoulders above any other athletes of their time.

All traces of the thatched, round towered church (St.

as follows: Quarterly, first quarter Gules a triple-towered castle Or masoned Sable and ajoure Azure (for Castile); second quarter Argent a lion rampant.


high-rise, clock tower, structure, minaret, construction, pylon, shot tower, mooring mast, barbican, lighthouse, church tower, pharos, turret, bell tower, power pylon, mooring tower, control tower, silo, barbacan, spire, watchtower, steeple, beacon, beacon light, supporting tower, tower block,


lower, low-rise, misconstruction, disassembly, natural object,

towered's Meaning in Other Sites