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too big Meaning in marathi ( too big शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

खूप मोठे,

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too big for one's breeches
too high
too hot
too long
too much
too old
tool around
tool bag
tool bags
tool box
tool kit

too big मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या लेण्याच्या समोर खूप मोठे प्रांगण असून या या प्रांगणाच्या सभोवताली असणाऱ्या दगडी भिंतींमध्ये लेण्याचे प्रवेशद्वार खोदलेले आहे.

आपण खूप मोठे लेखक सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते आहोत.

कृष्णभावनामृतसंघाचे भक्त गौडिय भागवत वैष्णव भक्त परंपरेला मानतात आणि ते गौडिय वैष्णव पंथाचे खूप मोठे भाग आहेत.

सोन्याचे आयुर्वेदिक महत्त्वही खूप मोठे आहे.

रानटी ससे आकाराने खूप मोठे असतात.

शाळेत शिकत होती आणि शिकून तिला खूप मोठे व्हायचे होते.

राजेशिर्के ह्यांचे वडील पिलाजी राजेशिर्के हे इतिहासांतील खूप मोठे प्रस्थ होते.

ग्रामीण आरोग्यामधे आशा करयकरतींचे योगदान खूप मोठे आहे.

त्यामुळे उत्तर महाराष्ट्रामध्ये बलराम या व्यक्तिमत्त्वाला खूप मोठे आदरस्थान होते.

या सर्व संज्ञा विसंगतपणे वापरल्या जातात; विशेषतः उपसागर, आखात आणि बाइट्स, जे खूप मोठे किंवा खूप लहान असू शकतात.

त्यांचे घरटे हे खूप मोठे असते.

वास्तुविद्या, लेण्यांचे आणि विहारांचे खोदकाम आदी क्षेत्रांत बौद्ध धर्माचे योगदान खूप मोठे आहे.

याच पेठेत श्रीपतराव पंत प्रतिनिधिनीं एक खूप मोठे व खोल तळे बांधले त्यास मंगळवार तळे म्हणतात.

too big's Usage Examples:

A common explanation of epics is also: a user story that is too big for a sprint.

quelea is a major pest to small-grain cereal crops in much of sub-Saharan Africa; the kernels of corn are too big for it.

The model is also useful for analyzing algorithms that work on datasets too big to fit in internal memory.

too big to be assimilated into the old ideas just as the world would turn upside down for anyone who saw an ant a foot long.

In the early 1960s, there was some local opposition to the project on the grounds that it was too big – with a reservoir more than twice as large as the annual flow of the Stanislaus River, it might never fill and would be a waste of federal Central Valley Project funds.

When Jay-Z first heard the track Pon de Replay, he felt the song was too big for her.

There is some reports that the LREW is too big to fit in the F-22 or F-35 internal weapons bay and is suited for the F-15EX or B-21.

the stomach of animals, and uncommonly in humans, that is occasionally vomited up when it becomes too big.

from winds that blew from two different directions, but the dunes were too big.

It orbits within the Hygiea family, although it may be an unrelated interloping asteroid, as it is too big to have arisen from the cratering process.

It was shot on the Laaer Berg, Vienna, as the enormous backdrops specially designed and constructed for the film were too big for the Sievering.

The galaxy has a radius of 124 light years, (half light radius 38 pc) meaning that it is too big to be a globular cluster.

Such companies, among others, are deemed "too big to fail" because their goods and services are considered by the government.


square-shouldered, broad-shouldered, robust,


frail, weak, unhealthy, delicate,

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