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tonga Meaning in marathi ( tonga शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

टोंगा, हँग आउट, टांगा,

tonga मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१९६० च्या दशकाच्या सुरुवातीच्या काळात, केनिया, टांगानिका, युगांडा आणि झांझिबार यांना युनायटेड किंगडम पासून स्वातंत्र्य मिळत होते त्या काळात चार राष्ट्रांच्या राजकीय नेत्यांनी महासंघ स्थापनेत रस घेतला होता.

लेखक आबा महाजन यांच्या ‘टांगाटोली’ या पुस्तकाला जळगाव येथील ‘दलुभाऊ जैन वाङ्मय पुरस्कार’.

संपूर्ण बीडमध्ये भाड्याने मिळण्यासाठी एकच टांगा होता.

ऑटो आणि टांगा देखील उपलब्ध आहेत.

त्यावर आठ पाकळ्यांचे दिव्याचे तयार केलेले यंत्र टांगावे.

हिंदी महासागर व व्हिक्टोरिया सरोवर, मालावी सरोवर, टांगानिका सरोवर या आफ्रिकेतील मोठ्या सरोवरांनी वेढलेल्या या देशात वर्तमान रवांडा, बुरुंडी व झांझिबार वग़ळता टांझानियाच्या उर्वरित भूभागाचा समावेश होता, तर दार एस्सलाम येथे टांगनिक्याची राजधानी होती.

टांगाटोली(बालकुमार कथासंग्रह).

हिवरगाव पावसा येथे आल्यावर टांगा करुन त्यांना पहायला येत असे.

दारासंगांना जुन्या निवृत्त कुस्तीगीरांची हलाखीची परिस्थिती आठवली; त्यांच्यापैकी एक टांगा चालवून उदरनिर्वाह करीत होता.

१९६४ ते १९८५ दरम्यान ह्या पदावर राहिलेला न्यरेरे टांझानियाची निर्मिती होण्याआधी टांगानिका देशाचा राष्ट्रप्रमुख होता.

आणि स्वतः टांगा घेऊन जाऊ लागले.

लेखक आबा महाजन यांच्या ‘टांगाटोली’ या पुस्तकाला नाशिक येथील ‘वाङ्मयसेवा पुरस्कार'.

tonga's Usage Examples:

Malong Revolt The “Malong Revolt” disturbed the quiet life of the town in 1660-1661 when Andres Malong of Binalatongan (now San Carlos City in Pangasinan province) rose in arms to protest the abuses in the collection of tribute and in the conscription of men for “palo y servicios” (forced labor).

Because of this, Hex is unable to communicate with Ontongard off of Earth, and unable to communicate with other parts of himself in distant cities except via human technology such as the telephone.

It is revealed that several centuries ago the invasion force of a hive mind species called the Ontongard arrived in the Solar System with the intention of converting all life on Earth into a copy of itself, via a form of viral infection.

A petition was therefore, filed with the principales or municipal officials of Binalatongan to convert the village into a town.

The author claims that the Baimango tribe of Mugihenua own the Tigoa land and the dispute is with the Ngatonga tribe.

Tonga (native name Chitonga) is a Bantu language spoken mainly in the Nkhata Bay District of Malawi.

Early view of unquarried Rarotonga / Mount Smart Pa, showing Maori terracing (page 11, at top).

Again on 5 June 1971 the Diocese of Daltonganj, comprising the civil districts of Hazaribagh (which itself became a diocese on 12 May 1995), and Palamau was carved out of the Archdiocese of Ranchi.

She was crushed, and she fell into the waters off of Rarotonga, Cook Islands and was later pronounced dead on board the same day.

Plot summaryThe sequel picks up precisely where the first book left off, with Arthur Lestrange in the ship Raratonga discovering his son Dicky and niece Emmeline with their own child, lying in their fishing boat, which has drifted out to sea.

of the capital island of Rarotonga, making it one of the most remote inhabitations in the Pacific Ocean.

The schools established on Rakahanga and Manihiki taught the alphabet that missionaries had created for the Rarotongan language, which has two fewer consonant sounds than Rakahangan/Manihikian.

On the island of Príncipe, serviçais and tongas have settled permanently on government-allotted.


Friendly Islands, Polynesia, Kingdom of Tonga, Tongan,

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