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tint Meaning in marathi ( tint शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

रंगछटा, रंगाचा इशारा,


डाग, रंग, अवा, पांढऱ्या रंगात मिसळलेल्या वस्तूचा रंग,

tint मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

काही प्राण्यांच्या पायावर आणि शरीराखालीही पांढरे डाग असतात.

उडताना खांद्यावर पिवळसर बदामी डाग ठळक दिसतो.

उडताना तो स्थिर स्थितीत असला म्हणजे ते डाग ठळक दिसतात.

उडताना शेपटीच्या दोन्ही बाजूंना अंडाकृती डाग दिसतात.

वादळी अवस्थेतही क्षेपणास्त्र डागण्याची क्षमता असलेल्या संतुलित मंचाचाही यात समावेश आहे.

शंकराजीपंताने लगेचच किल्ल्याची डागडुजी सुरू केली व किल्ला पुन्हा भांडता केला.

भारतीय महिला कुस्तीपटू दीक्षा डागर (जन्म १४ डिसेंबर २०००) ही भारतातील एक व्यावसायिक गोल्फ खेळाडू आहे.

पण त्यानी विशेष त: कान्हाने ह्या गायींचे नीट निरीक्षण करायला सुरवात केली , काळी ,गोरी, करडी अशा रंग बरोबरच कपाळावर चांदवा, शेपूट तुटके , पाठीवर वेगळ्या रंगाचा डाग असे एकेक करून सगळ्या गायी नेमक्या ओळखायला ते शिकले , मग मध्ये मध्ये एकत्र येऊन खेळायचे आणि परत आपापल्या गायीन बरोबर जायचे असे करायला लागले.

अलेक्झांड्रीया, गलाथिया, डागमार इत्यादी नद्या आहेत.

१६६० मध्ये शिवाजी महाराजांनी हा किल्ला आदिलशाहीकडून जिंकून घेतला आणि किल्ल्याच्या डागडुजीसाठी आणि पुनर्रचनेसाठी दहा हजार दोन रुपये खर्च केले असा ऐतिहासिक कागदपत्रांत उल्लेख आहे.

tint's Usage Examples:

A more common technique emerged in the early 1910s known as film tinting, a process in which either the emulsion or the film base is dyed, giving.

Collection) 1962, Femme au Chien, Wynn Fine Art, Florida 1963, Nu assis dans un fauteuil (See the picture and description here) 1963, Man and Woman, etching, aquatint.

His portraits of modern-day cowboys on tintype have been compared.

Stuart Maxwell joined following a stint with Bedford having played previously for New Brighton and Richmond.

Second Stint in DurbanOn 31 May 2011 it was announced that Michalak had signed a one-year contract with the Sharks, effective immediately—which meant that Michalak would not play in Toulouse's Top 14 final on 4 June.

Proletkult leaders subsequently made an effort to expand their movement on an international basis at the 2nd World Congress of the Communist International in August 1920, founding Kultintern, an international organization headed by Anatoly Lunacharsky.

The film was hand-tinted and, after the success of The Jazz Singer, talkie scenes were added after production had finished.

Critical receptionHoward Thompson of The New York Times wrote, Until the picture floridly hops off the track toward the end, this horror exercise is a quietly stylish, ice-cold treat, beautifully tinted, well-directed (Don Sharp) and persuasively acted (Edward de Souza and Jennifer Daniel have the leads).

color separations, a red keyline on the black line art marked the outline of solid or tint color areas.

Between brief stints in the Central Hockey League, Harrington rejoined the national hockey team for the 1984 Winter Olympics.

He cooperates in Ryo unstintingly.

After a brief stint at France's RC Strasbourg, he played for Alemannia Aachen in Germany until his retirement in 2010.

On 28 February 2019, it was announced that Güneş will take Turkey national team managerial post for second time on a four-year deal 15 years after his last stint, effective from 1 June 2019.


tinge, tone, undertone, mellowness, richness, colour, tincture, coloring, colouring, color, shade,


chromatic color, achromatic color, colored, uncolored, colorlessness,

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