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tinkering Meaning in marathi ( tinkering शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

टिंकरिंग, दुरुस्ती करण्यासाठी, ब्लॅक आउट,


किटली दुरुस्त करणे हे कोणाचे काम आहे,


दुरुस्ती करण्यासाठी, ब्लॅक आउट,

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tinkering मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

11 नोव्हेंबरला, युसूफझाईला तिच्या चेहऱ्याच्या नवरांची दुरुस्ती करण्यासाठी साडेतीन तास शस्त्रक्रिया करण्यात आली .

tinkering's Usage Examples:

Her major interest is in tinkering with other species" biochemistry — she was exiled from Gallifrey after.

of Sir Isaac Isaacs as its governor general in 1931—wartime seemed an unpropitious time for constitutional tinkering; the royal family had garnered vast.

Titay's Rosquillos and DelicaciesThe making of these little ringlet cookies dates back to 1907, when 21-year-old Margarita Titay (single, unmarried) was tinkering in her kitchen with her baking ingredients and made her new culinary creation.

boss by tinkering with software code in a way that makes his boss the laughingstock of the organization.

The goal back then was to introduce 102 music in cyberspace while tinkering with web and graphic design and to experiment with streaming broadcast of pre-recorded materials.

Parfitt said Lynes was "a bit laid back, the Open University type who liked tinkering and finding out about things," and Rossi remarked that he showed up at.

home-made, lo-fi analog tinkerings, which often slips into both electronic and folksy terrain.

Tinkering is "dabbling" with the making process, often applied to the hobby of tinkering with car repairs, and various kinds.

young Italian gentleman who started out by tinkering with a coherer and a spark coil as an amateur electrician.

– NME Almost Cured of Sadness (Sanctuary Records, March 2003)He was always an affecting songwriter as well as an extremely able band frontman, but it is these solo lo-fi tinkerings that really provide the keys to his soul.

car setup, stating that "it is impossible to do anything other than tool around at the back of the field without tinkering with your car"s setup - which.

meaning and refers to the hacker culture which consists of people who enjoy tinkering with technology.

Interviewed by Common Ground, Vancouver (July 1999 Issue), Wilson talked about how he'd been tinkering with Playboy's Book of Forbidden Words, which he considered his best book—worst, that is, after the editors at Playboy did to the book what the Roman Army did to the Sabine women.


putter, puddle, mess around, muck around, potter, work, monkey around, monkey, muck about,


unbelt, unbar, unbutton, dislodge, idle,

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