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timely Meaning in marathi ( timely शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वेळेत, वेळेवर,


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timely मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

बैलांना या खेळामध्ये कमीत कमी वेळेत ५०० फूट अंतर पूर्ण करावे लागते.

सकाळी चार ते सहा या वेळेत वारकऱ्यांचा सांप्रदायिक काकडा.

यानंतरच्या कालखंडात कुमूद दिवसा सरकारी दूरचित्रवाणीवर निवेदनाचे काम करु लागते आणि सायंकालीन वेळेत भारत आणि विलायतींना प्रौढ शिक्षण वर्गाच्या माध्यमातून मॅट्रिक्यूलेशन करायला लावते.

अमेरिकेचे गुप्त कागदपत्रे प्रससिद्ध करणे - या कार्य मुळे ही संगठणा कमी वेळेत जास्त प्रभावी ठरली.

रंगसंमेलनाच्या दुसऱ्या दिवशी ३० डिसेंबरला कलाकार आणि रसिक यांच्यात संवाद घडवून आणणारे चहापान संमेलन दुपारी ४ ते साडे पाच यावेळेत होणार आहे.

त्या वेळेत त्याला रिचार्जेबल निकेल-हायड्रोजन बॅटर्‍यांपासून ऊर्जा मिळते.

ने कमी होऊन प्रवासी वेळेत २० ते २५ मिनिटांची बचत होईल, घाटातील वाहतूक कोंडी सुटेल आणि अपघातांचे प्रमाण कमी होईल.

०० या वेळेतच आपल्याला किल्ल्यावर घेऊन जातात.

अगदी सुरवातीच्या टप्प्यात या कर्करोगाचे निदान होऊन वेळेत उपचार केले गेल्यास रुग्ण पूर्णपणे बरा होऊ शकतो.

युगं आणि संपात हे वेळेतील काही क्षण असतात, त्यामुळे त्यांना तसेच दर्शवले जाते, जसे इतर क्षणांना दर्शवले जाते.

त्यानंतर दुपारी २ ते ५ या वेळेत कागदपत्रे  विनामूल्य प्रमाणित करून दिली जातात.

परंतु जेव्हा तेथे रिकाम्या वेळेत दुसरा किंवा अन्य कोणी हजर नसेल, तेव्हाच आंबेडकरांना अभ्यासासाठी ग्रंथालयात जाण्याची परवानगी मिळे.

स्टार ट्रेक:द नेक्स्ट जनरेशन मालिकेचे विविध वाहिन्यांवर, विविध वेळेत प्रसारण झाले, व ही मालिका अत्यंत लोकप्रिय ठरली.

timely's Usage Examples:

Smith's unfooled bile seems perfectly dialectically visionary, wearily energised, utterly untimely: his un-musicality a higher music.

Superior Court Judge Sears had concluded that a medical malpractice claimant can voluntarily dismiss a claim and refile it within six months, even when the later filed claim is untimely.

shortened to medevac or medivac, is the timely and efficient movement and en route care provided by medical personnel to wounded being evacuated from a battlefield.

debt is indicated by how timely past payments have been made to other lenders.

The person liable for POAT may, while he is still alive, elect on a timely basis to have such transactions treated as gifts with reservations (thus subject to IHT) with respect to such transactions made in a given tax year.

With processing, it is important that procedures and monitoring of a few different aspects such as the input of falsified or erroneous data, incomplete processing, duplicate transactions and untimely processing are in place.

the focus of standard economics textbooks, Buchholz provides clear, nontechnical explanations and timely examples.

The Spaniards were dramatically saved from annihilation by burning at the timely arrival of their rescue ship.

had legal obligations to repair the rail line and its tracks, citing a contract that required OmniTRAX to operate, maintain and repair the entire Hudson Bay Railway Line in a diligent and timely manner until March 31, 2029.

This system monitors the pressure in all four tyres every three seconds, and when any loss in pressure is detected, audible and visual warnings are given to alert the driver via the Driver Information System (DIS) in a timely manner.

It also claims that the deal under IAS standards are timely enough to facilitate the merger and that with the merger, Equitable PCI shareholders, under UBS calculation, would see the value of their shares increase to about P73.

The film is, "a knockabout farce based on jump-cuts and the timely substitution of dummies for real.

In outrage at the 2000 presidential election, he posted this message on the high-traffic side of the marquee: This Is America — Every Vote Should Be Counted Since then, and with much support from the local community, Michaan has regularly used one side of the theater's marquee to display a timely political message.




untimely, unpunctual,

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