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til Meaning in marathi ( til शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पर्यंत, तीळ,

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til मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पश्चिमेकडील तीळ एक जेट्टी म्हणून काम करीत होता, जो बटाव्हियाच्या बंदरांत प्रवेश करताना जहाजाचे मार्गदर्शन करत असे.

कमी पावसाच्या प्रदेशात जर सिंचनासाठी पाणी उपलब्ध झाले तर बागाईत कपाशी आणि तीळ व उसासारखी दीर्घमुदतीची पिके उत्तमरीतीने येऊ शकतात.

गंगेच्या किनारपट्टी भागाततील दलदलींमुळे व तलावांमुळे शेंगदाणे, मिरची, मोहरी, तीळ व ऊस ही पिके मुबलक प्रमाणात निघतात.

शिवामूठ: दुसरा आठवडा - तीळ.

जुन्या काळात बॅबिलॉन येथिल स्त्रिया तरुणपणा व सौंदर्य टिकावे म्हणुन तीळापासुन केलेला हलवा खात असत.

या गावातून तीळगंगा ही नदी वाहते, तर वसना ही नदी गावाशेजारून वाहते.

तीळ वापरण्यातला दुसरा अर्थ सिग्धता.

तुळशीची पाने आणि पायसाचा (खिरीचा) नैवेद्य आणि यजुर्वेदाचे पठण, बेलाची पाने आणि तीळ घातलेला भाताचा नैवेद्य आणि सामवेदाचे पठण, निळी कमळे वाहून साध्या अन्नाचा नैवेद्य आणि अथर्ववेदाचे पठण केले जाते.

सप्तधान्यांकुर अर्क तयार करताना त्यात तीळ, मूग, उडीद, चवळी, मटकी, देशी हरभरा, गहू ही सात धान्ये प्रत्येकी १०० ग्रॅम भिजवून त्यांना मोड आणले जातात.

तेलबिया बहुतेकदा चांगले तेल तयार करण्यासाठी दाबल्या जातात - सूर्यफूल, अंबाडी बियाणे, रॅपसीड (कॅनोला तेलासह), तीळ, इत्यादी.

तीळ घालून केलेला भात या दिवशी जेवणात समाविष्ट असतो.

til's Usage Examples:

Dou had enough men to strongly garrison his territory, while still mustering a huge force for marching against Li Shimin.

Dismissal from the fourth tier is still possible, however, if a club finishes bottom three seasons in a row.

Great Britain had a good amount of cotton stored up in warehouses in several locations that would provide for their textile needs for some time.

He was professor of chemistry and the institutes of medicine in the College of Philadelphia from 1789 till 1792, when the faculty of that institution united with the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, of which he was adjunct professor of anatomy, midwifery, and surgery until 1808.

Still, HSLS remained the strongest opposition party in the lower house of the parliament.

which often served as stepping stones for up-and-coming talent, his versatility on several instruments, and his ability to play in a high register.

Rob Symmons still performs and records with the band.

On the 1st September 2020, The Breeze became Greatest Hits Radio (Berkshire " North Hampshire), it is unsure whether the studios are still being used for the new station.

Marian and Holy Trinity columns, and could also be connected with non-pestilent calamities such as earthquakes or eruptions, or simply manifest faith.

The sportsbooks had to pay a 10 percent tax so they charged a high vigorish to gamblers, but they still brought enough business to make a profit.

LouisPeople from Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin Henry Alan Walter Richard Percy, 11th Duke of Northumberland (1 July 1953 – 31 October 1995), styled Earl Percy until 1988, was a British peer.

This simulcast lasted until December 4, 1998, when the government handed over the signal of channel five to the Archbishopric of Caracas, which gave birth to Vale TV.

mechanical ventilation heat recovery (MVHR), is an energy recovery ventilation system which works between two sources at different temperatures.

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