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thunder Meaning in marathi ( thunder शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मेघगर्जना, गडगडाट, विजा,


गडगडाट, जाहीरपणे प्रखर आरोप, विजा, जोरात ओरडतो, उद्रेक,


गडगडाट, तीव्रपणे तक्रार करा, वीज कोसळली,

thunder मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अशा परिस्थितीतही या नाटकाचा नायक बेरेन्जे गडगडाट बोलतो,.

परावतक्ष, त्याची तलवार भूकंप कारणीभूत ठरते आणि त्याच्या गर्जनाने गडगडाट निर्माण केले.

ह्या ढगांपासून विजा पडून गडगडाटासह जोरदार वृष्टी मिळू शकते.

अनेक स्थानिक वाद्यांसह ढोल-ताशांच्या गडगडाटाच्या गर्जना शाही भक्षकांच्या स्नर्ल्सचे पुनरुत्पादन करतात आणि चित्र पूर्ण करतात.

वृष्टीच्या वेळेस ह्या ढगातून वीज पडत नाही वा गडगडाटही ऐकू येत नाही.

पश्चिम बंगाल आणि बांगला देशांत होणाऱ्या स्थानिक गडगडाटी वादळांना कालबैसाखी (Nor'westers) म्हणतात.

अलेक्झांडरच्या वेळेस गर्भारशी राहण्याच्या काही दिवस आधी ऑलिंपियासला एके रात्री आपल्या गर्भावर प्रचंड गडगडाटासह विद्युत्पात झाल्याचे स्वप्न पडले.

प्रवीण जोग (हास्यगडगडाट).

उधार-उसनवार (गडगडाट).

बहुतेक गडगडाटी वादळांमध्ये (जसे ते क्युम्युलोनिम्बसद्वारे निर्माण केले जाते), तसेच मूळ वादळाच्या 3.

कधीकधी अशनी वातावरणातच फुटतो तेव्हा गडगडाटासारखा मोठा आवाज होतो.

ती वज्र (गडगडाट), बोकड , फास आणि कमळाच्या देठासह सशस्त्र आहे.

thunder's Usage Examples:

dramatic a pageant as ever was enacted on a baseball field [as] 61,808 fans thundered a hail and farewell".

He made an immediate impact by scoring away at Arsenal and then became the toast of Highfield Road with a thunderbolt winner against Aston Villa in November 1991, endearing him to the Sky Blues fans.

The initial thunderstorm activity moistens up the environment around the low, which destabilizes the atmosphere by.

Tralkasaurus (meaning "thunder lizard") is a genus of abelisaurid dinosaur from the Huincul Formation from Río Negro Province in Argentina.

After the English Restoration, Shakespeare"s plays were performed in playhouses, with elaborate scenery, and staged with music, dancing, thunder, lightning.

As the artillery exchange thundered on, Ibrahim advanced with his scouts to a well east of the road to survey.

It"s excellent, if obviously an offcut from "The Eminem Show", all thundering rawk guitars and Rocky-ish bassline.

And wherever the red war trail"s agleam, And the battle thunders waken, There"s a tale to be told of a soul of gold.

supplications of All Will Surely Burn, the album goes on to balance thunder and reflectiveness surprisingly evenly.

During these times, air-mass thunderstorms tend to generate due to daytime heating and lose their main energy during the evening hours.

When Werkzeuge were proclaiming God's judgment and chastisement,Their bearing was majestic, their Bewegungen were strong, and their voices resounded like thunder.

loudspeakers, nine television screens, and the staff has text message availabilities, all intended on warning fans of any thunderstorms approaching.


noise, roaring, boom, roar,


ride, ascend, recede, rise, defend,

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