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themas Meaning in marathi ( themas शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




themas's Usage Examples:

the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Athenagoras I nullified the anathemas of 1054, although this nullification of measures which were taken against.

Eutyches and Nestorius made at Chalcedon and explicitly approved the twelve anathemas of Cyril of Alexandria, but avoided any definitive statement on whether.

Urban was shut up in Nocera, from the walls of which he daily fulminated his anathemas against his besiegers, with bell, book and candle; a price.

prominent church leaders, most notably Cyril of Alexandria, who issued 12 anathemas against him (430).

many True Orthodox Churches have added those alleged heresies to the anathemas on the Sunday of Orthodoxy.

Eutyches and Nestorius made at Chalcedon and explicitly approved the twelve anathemas of Cyril of Alexandria, but in attempting to appease both sides of the.

be/nl/themas/bevolking/structuur-van-de-bevolking "Sub-national HDI - Area Database -.

Nicene-Constantinopolitan and Apostles" Creeds in the inclusion of anathemas, or condemnations of those who disagree with the creed (like the original Nicene Creed).

It further placed anathemas on: 10.

determine whether Origen actually held the heretical views which the anathemas against him ascribed to him.

the Nicene-Constantinopolitan and Apostles" Creeds in the inclusion of anathemas, or condemnations of those who disagree with the creed (like the original.

controversy against Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, in answer to whose anathemas he wrote two books, of the first of which a large part is quoted by Cyril.

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