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tended Meaning in marathi ( tended शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रवृत्त, कोणत्याही ध्येयाने प्रेरित करणे, झुकाव, उपयुक्त व्हा, प्रवण व्हा, उपस्थित, काळजी घ्या, देखरेख करण्यासाठी,


कोणत्याही ध्येयाने प्रेरित करणे, झुकाव, उपयुक्त व्हा, प्रवण व्हा, उपस्थित, काळजी घ्या, देखरेख करण्यासाठी,

tended मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तेव्हा रामाने देवीला ओळखले व तो म्हणाला 'तू का आई?’ येथे असलेल्या कमानी पूर्वी रजाकारांवर देखरेख करण्यासाठी वापरत.

  १८५८ च्या भारताच्या कारभारावर देखरेख करण्यासाठी, १५ सदस्यांसह (लंडनमधील) नवे कौन्सिल ऑफ इंडियाने सल्ला दिला.

संपूर्ण संस्थेच्या कार्यांचे नियंत्रण आणि देखरेख करण्यासाठी ते जबाबदार असतात.

tended's Usage Examples:

CareerMusicBrown's father intended for him to follow in his footsteps and become a practicing lawyer.

Some eviction and foreclosure moratoriums would be expanded as well, being extended for up to another year and.

It has a maximum range of 800 meters, exceeding conventional extended range low-velocity variants by up to 375 meters.

TPO vans were provided with centre gangways, though a batch intended to work with older vans were given offset gangways.

dramatic programming of television programming extended stories usually dramatizing relationships through the general range of ten to forty one-hour episodes.

The location of the NABC is rotated among major cities, attended by thousands of players.

The Tuuli-class prototype was never fully equipped, nor fitted for operational use and its three sisters were cancelled, instead two more Hamina-class boats have been built; with some of the equipment intended for the Tuulis being used in the Haminas.

In 1884 suffrage was extended to men owning land worth at least £10 or paying £10 in rent annually.

of pluck on the part of any one of them would have been attended by the gravest results.

Sabates attended military school as a teenager, first in Havana, and later in Camagüey.

She attended and swam for Ursuline High School in Santa Rosa her freshman and sophomore years.

the inclusion of specialised and/or somewhat uncommon words such as "sciolist" in the story problems is intended as a vocabulary builder in preparation.

innovations of the 1970s that increasingly pressed the highly regulated savings and loan industry and arguably had unintended consequences that helped lead.


take kindly to, lean, be, run, suffer, gravitate, incline, be given,


arrive, ebb, better, enjoy, be full,

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