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tenaciously Meaning in marathi ( tenaciously शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

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tenaciously मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

विरोधाची पर्वा न करता आपल्याला पटलेले विचार समाजाला पटवून देण्याचा रघुनाथरावांनी आयुष्यभर जिद्दीने प्रयत्न केला.

खालच्या कोर्टात अक्षरश: गाळात गेलेला खटला तिने जिद्दीने वरच्या कोर्टापर्यंत खेचला.

पण खचून न जाता लोखंडे जिद्दीने अखेरपर्यंत (९ फेब्रुवारी १८९७) पत्राचे काम सुरू ठेवले.

परिस्थितीमुळे तरुणपणी स्वतःला शिक्षण अर्धवट सोडावे लागले तरी त्यांनी मुलगा श्रीकांत याला मात्र जिद्दीने शिकवले आणि डॉक्टर केले.

आपली दुसरी मुलगी गंगूबाई हिला त्यांनी जिद्दीने शिकवले.

काकासाहेबांनी महाराष्ट्र शासनाकडून मोठ्या प्रयत्‍नाने व जिद्दीने उपसा जलसिंचन योजना मंजूुर करून घेतली.

जिद्दीने उभारी घेण्याची हिम्मत ठेवतात.

१९४८मध्ये प्रकाशित झालेल्या त्या ’जिद्दी’मध्ये प्राणसाहेबांनी खलनायकाची अशी जिद्दीने भूमिका केली की त्यांच्यापुढे चित्रपटांची रांग लागली.

दारिद्र्‍याशी झगडत प्रतिकूल परिस्थितीवर मात करीत आशावादी वृत्तीने केवळ लेखनगुणांच्या बळावर जिद्दीने स्वतःचे जीवन यशस्वी करणार्‍या लेखकाने सांगितलेली ही जीवनकथा आहे.

त्यात त्यांना, ज्वारीच्या व कापसाच्या व्यापारात झळ सोसावी लागली होती, म्हणून ते जिद्दीने बांधकाम व्यवसायात उतरले.

त्यांच सळसळत रक्त धडाडीच नेतृत्व, अचाट धैर्यशक्ती व प्रगाढ जिद्दीने श्री शिवाजी सार्वजनिक वाचन मंदिर या संस्थेची स्थापना दि.

चित्रपट जिद्दीने बनतो.

वेदनांवर मात करून जिद्दीने ती यशासाठी प्रयत्न करू लागली.

tenaciously's Usage Examples:

a quiet country clergyman, with a very moderate income, who sedulously avoided public distinctions, and held tenaciously to an unpopular School.

back to the Treaty of Münster in 1648, and they clung to it still more tenaciously after Belgium separated herself in 1830-1831 from the united kingdom.

Both rime types are less dense than clear ice and cling less tenaciously, therefore damage.

Although most of the players were already past their prime, it did not look like they lost a step at all as each possession was tenaciously fought.

Greaves tenaciously completed the job however, and the large, stately, but relatively unpretentious.

by law but innocent, who has to resist, fight and hide tenaciously and cunningly, until she demonstrates her integrity, with Erik Hayser, Aylín Mújica.

stand firm), also romanized as gambaru, is a ubiquitous Japanese word which roughly means to slog on tenaciously through tough times.

Since the 1960s, Reiss and his wife Rosemary have tenaciously and successfully overseen the mission of a foundation established by.

one"s blood, at least by tenaciously resisting sin and devoting oneself unselfishly to the service of God.

Some viscin remains on the seed and when it touches a stem, it sticks tenaciously.

Habsburg decoration; in Laxa"s case for the “heroism, enormous bravery, and tenaciously successful defence of positions” by himself and his men on Škabrijel.

duration than gasoline, as well as being more easily dispersed and sticking tenaciously to its targets.

dense structure helps it cling tenaciously to any surface on which it forms.



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