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tainted Meaning in marathi ( tainted शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कलंकित, संसर्गित, डाग पडलेला, दूषित, विकृत,


कलंकित, संसर्गित, डाग पडलेला, दूषित, विकृत,

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tainted मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

विकृतीच्या समांतर असलेल्या रूपांतरित स्थिती पश्चिमेकडून पूर्वेकडे आणि मध्यम अँफिबोलिटपासून ग्रॅन्युलाईट फिक्सेसपर्यंत वाढते.

कॉस्बीच्या या विकृत धटिंगणशाहीला प्रथम आव्हान दिले, ते फिलाडेल्फियाच्या ॲंड्रिया कॉन्स्टॅंड या टेम्पल युनिव्हर्सिटीच्या बास्केटबॉल टीमची संयोजक असलेल्या कर्मचारी महिलेने.

आत्मघृणेतून येणाऱ्या सर्व यातनांतून स्वतःला सुरक्षित ठेवण्यासाठी मज्जाविकृत माणूस स्वयंचलितपणे आणि अबोधपणे आपल्या दुःखांचेखापर इतरांवर फोडू लागतो.

लाब्राडोर कुंड अक्ष च्या पूर्वेकडील झोनमध्ये, पॅलेओप्रोटोरोझोइक विकृतीने डग्लस हार्बर डोमेनच्या आर्केयन खडक आणि तसेच पेलेओप्रोटोरोझोइक डायबेट्स डायक्स पुन्हा तयार केले.

विकृतिशास्त्र पारिभाषिक शब्दावली.

३) देव, देश, आणि धर्म ह्यासाठी जागरूकता निर्माण करणे व इतिहासाचे विकृतीकरण थांबवणे.

मादी जननेंद्रिय विकृती बहुतेक आफ्रिकेत आणि काही प्रमाणात मध्य पूर्व आणि आशियाच्या काही भागात आढळतात.

त्यांच्या हत्येनंतर, राजीव गांधी यांचे विकृत मृतदेह नवी दिल्लीला विमानाने नेण्यात आले.

त्यामुळे या शाखेमध्ये ताण, चिंता,आजारपण विकृती, संघर्ष, वैफल्य यांच्या अभ्यासापेक्षा आनंद, धैर्य, सुख, समाधान या घटकांच्या अभ्यासावर भर दिला जाऊ लागला.

ह्यातूनच मज्जाविकृतीची मुळे धरतात.

मुळ्यांपासून मिळवलेली अर्कद्रव्ये ही अपस्मार (epilepsy), चित्तविकृती (psychosis), निद्रानाश (insomnia), छिन्‍नमनस्कता (schizophrenia) आणि आंतड्यांच्या काही विकारांवर गुणकारी आहेत.

वैद्यकीयदृष्ट्या, लेस्बियन असणे हा रोग किंवा मानसिक विकृती नाही.

tainted's Usage Examples:

Aesthetic appreciation of children's art as untainted by adult influence was extolled by Franz Cižek, who called a child's drawing a marvelous and precious document.

Douglas fled to England, his Castle of Abercorn was slighted, two of his brothers died at and following the Battle of Arkinholm; finally Douglas' great fortalice of Threave Castle fell and Douglas was attainted, all his enormous patrimony forfeit.

he calls it a "shrewdly cast" film "winking at the vanity of wealthy voluptuaries and hustlers playing games of tainted love.

Both elder and younger Despensers were attainted and executed in 1326, extinguishing the two creations.

The tainted fruit theory states that the child will see the label and immediately know to avoid this kind of content because it is inappropriate for their age.

PAC leaders, which had been vehemently anti-communist, nevertheless accepted the aid by attempting to rationalize it as being due to the fact that the Chinese were non-white and that their value system had not been tainted by European thought as they deemed the South African Communist Party to have been.

Monmouth, the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II was attainted after his 1685 rebellion, but his wife"s title was unaffected and passed.

The blood curse on the line of Jeconiah who was a descendant in the line of Solomon, so the genealogy in Matthew is tainted with a blood curse from Jeconiah all the way to Joseph.

Jacobite uprising against the Crown and was therefore punished by being attainted; consequently, after his father"s death two years later, he was unable.

were poisoned by arsenic-tainted beer, with more than 70 of the afflicted dying as a result.

After his death, his brother John was recognised as the Earl; John"s son David was also attainted, but later pardoned.


stale, corrupt,


moral, incorrupt, fresh,

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