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tacks Meaning in marathi ( tacks शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

स्थिती बदला, जहाजाचा मार्ग बदलण्यासाठी, चलन, खिळा,


टाके शिवणे, खरखरीत लहान नखे, सैल शिवणे, बांधणीची दोरी, कार्यपद्धती,


स्थिती बदला, जहाजाचा मार्ग बदलण्यासाठी, चलन, खिळा,

tacks मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

बर्धमान जिल्हा रंभा (खिळा-उच्छेदक) किंवा क्रोबार हातानी वापरायचे लोखंडी अवजार आहे जे कि अडकलेले किंवा वाकलेले खिळे काढण्यासाठी वापरले जाते.

14 डिसेंबर, 2018 रोजी  तिचा  साथीदार बॅडमिंटन खिळाडी परुपल्ली कश्यपशी विवाह केला.

एवढ्या वर्षांत घरातून कधी एक खिळाही चोरीला गेलेला नाही, असे येथील लोक गौरवाने सांगतात.

एका बैलगाडीला एक जोटे व त्या जोटयाला दोन मंडपी बाहेरच्या टोकाला, दोन होल, दोन खिळा, दोन जुंपणी, त्या जुंपण्याच्या दोन्ही बाजूला मिळून चार लाखाण व जोटयाला दोन मंडपाच्या खाचा असतात व मधोमध दांड्याच्या बाहेर दोन्ही बाजूस लोखंडी गोळे कडे बसवलेले असते.

या वृक्षाचे वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे या झाडात ठोकलेला लोखंडी खिळा वर्षभरात विरून जातो.

tacks's Usage Examples:

Following the attacks by the Chinese People's Volunteer Army (PVA) in the Battle of Chosin Reservoir the Regiment withdrew to Wonsan to cover the evacuation of United Nations Command (UN) Forces.

Wi-Fi Protected Setup was recently broken and has been shown to be easily breakable with brute-force attacks.

Battle of Hefei (231)In 230, Cao Rui promoted Man Chong to General Who Attacks the East (征東將軍).

German counterattacks annihilated the bridgeheads to the north of Narva and reduced the bridgehead south of the town, stabilizing the front until July 1944.

As Livy stated that he used what he found without passing judgement on his sources, attacks on the credibility of Livy often begin with the annalists.

burnt following attacks and following their occupation by armed groups, imperiling the start of the school year in September for 60,000 children.

However, the government suffered several attacks and in December 1977, Soares lost the voting of a confidence resolution because all the opposition, the Democratic and Social Center, the Social Democrats and the Communists united in order to vote against it, and so, the Soares' government fell.

In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, only 20 survivors were pulled alive from the rubble, although.

Jiao Guobiao, a former Beijing University journalism professor who was dismissed after criticizing the Propaganda Department, proposed that even if The Epoch Times published only negative information highly critical of the CCP, the weight of their attacks could never begin to counterbalance the positive propaganda the party publishes about itself.

numbers, classes (including strings, lists, maps, sets, stacks, queues), enumerations references, pointers Java booleans, characters, integer numbers, floating-point.

American flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11 during the September 11 attacks.


thumbtack, secure, fasten, fix,


worsen, die, empty, nitrify, unfasten,

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