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sycophant Meaning in marathi ( sycophant शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चाकू, खुशामत,


बाजूने, परजीवी, त्यांच्या कनिष्ठतेचा प्रसार करतात, कनिष्ठ लोक हीन संततीला जन्म देतात आणि अशा प्रकारे, पकडा,

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sycophant मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

वरी खुशामत शाहण्याची परि मूर्खाची ती मैत्री नको.

परंतु ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरची खुशामत केल्याच्या आरोपावरून त्याच्यावर टीकादेखील झाली आहे.

समाजाच्या खुळचट समजुतींची खुशामत केली आहे.

दुसऱ्या महायुद्धापूर्वी ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरच्या खुशामतीच्या ठाम विरोधात असलेल्या ईडनने १९५६ सालचे सुवेझ संकट हाताळताना अनेक मोठ्या चुका केल्या व ब्रिटिश जनतेचा रोष ओढवून घेतला.

कारण त्यांना असे वाटते की स्वामींनी त्यांच्याकडे दुर्लक्ष केले आहे आणि आता ते त्यांच्या संपत्तीमुळे राजमाची नेहमीच खुशामत करत आहेत.

दुसऱ्या महायुद्धापूर्वी ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरच्या खुशामतीच्या ठाम विरोधात असलेला मॅकमिलन त्याच्या धोरणी व दूरदृष्टी स्वभावासाठी ओळखला जात असे.

शाऌ पहिल्या गणाच्या शाल्‌ (अर्थ खुशामत करणें) या धातूला पाणिनीने दिलेले नाव.

sycophant's Usage Examples:

Phillips as the sycophant #2 Episode chronology Glee (season 4) List of Glee episodes.

He is called a demagogue and a sycophant, and his eloquence is described as of a coarse and vehement character.

remove a character from realism into abstraction – in this case, the sycophantic nature of Rachel.

Soon, the sycophant population on Sycophant Run hears through the Lore Coil that the sycophant secret has been revealed.

as well as Arrian and Plutarch describe him as a sycophant, one of the basest flatterers of the king.

only the sycophants know what that is.

the sycophants know what that is.

father, a homemaker mother, and three older brothers: the hunky but unperceptive Bree, the sycophantic Tramy, and the lean but smart Shade.

He is assisted at almost all times by Smithers, his loyal and sycophantic aide, adviser, confidant, and secret admirer.

After the fifth episode she becomes sycophantically devoted to Lester.

She is supposedly a sycophant of the Queen of Hearts, betrothed to Jack Heart, the Queen's son, so that the Queen might keep him under close surveillance due to his rebellious nature.

the bull pen forced workers to compete and to cultivate servile and sycophantic relationships with individual foremen.

He is called a demagogue and a sycophant, and his eloquence is described as of a coarse and vehement.


groveller, bootlicker, crawler, fawner, apple polisher, ass-kisser, adulator, lackey, truckler, flatterer, groveler, goody-goody, toady,


leader, evil, disparage,

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