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sweetness Meaning in marathi ( sweetness शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गोडवा, कोमलता, गोड,


कोमलता, गोड,

sweetness मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

संतांच्या सुरसकथा (अर्थात अवीट गोडीची अद्भुत संतचरित्रे).

गोड आदिवासी त्यांना हरियल म्हणतात.

माझ्या मराठीची गोडी (कविता) (गायक : कमलाकर भागवत).

फाल्गुनी पौर्णिमेस रघुनाथशास्त्री गोडबोले यांना बोलावून घेतले आणि त्यांच्याशी ३६ तास संवाद केला.

येथील तलाव भारतातील सर्वांत कमी प्रदूषित गोड्या पाण्याच्या तलावांपैकी एक आहे.

शशी गोडबोले (श्रीदेवी) ही एक गृहिणी आहे जिला इंग्लिश भाषा बोलता येत नाही.

चिंचाळे, आंबिवळी तर्फे बहारे, पांढरतारागाव, करंजवीरा, शिसणे, नारुळी, सायवण, चाळणी, गांगोडी, बांधघर, निंबापूर ही जवळपासची गावे आहेत.

डिझेलचलित वाहने करंजी हा महाराष्ट्रातील व दक्षिण भारतातील एक गोड पदार्थ आहे.

यामुळेच वनस्पतीशास्त्र व जीवाश्म यांच्याबद्दल त्यांना अभ्यासाची गोडी लागली .

भोगी पोंगल या दिवशी इंद्रपूजा आणि आप्त लोकांसह गोड भोजन केले जाते.

sweetness's Usage Examples:

Ageusia is the loss of taste functions of the tongue, particularly the inability to detect sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, and umami (meaning.

firm white flesh which is also juicy, a little sharp in taste, but well balanced with sweetness and aroma.

scientists have elucidated that neurons in the AI/FO respond to sweetness, saltiness, bitterness, and sourness, and they code the intensity of the taste stimulus.

His prose is characterized by elegance, sweetness and strength, and is remarkably free from the affectations and false rhetoric that characterized the age.

receptors in the mouth sense the five taste modalities: sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and savoriness (also known as savory or umami).

Sugars and alcohol enhance a wine"s sweetness; acids (sourness) and bitter tannins counteract it.

When like committed linnets I With shriller throat shall sing The sweetness, mercy, majesty, And glories of my King:.

Taste receptors in the mouth sense the five taste modalities: sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and savoriness (also known as savory or umami).

Williams described Carroll"s behavior as a combination of "sweetness" and "beastliness".

injury done to the object of pity, and joy as an "element of sweetness" tinging that sorrow.

The classic drink itself is black and very bitter, but with a distinct sweetness.

the grapes under the hot sun, concentrating the sweetness (similar to straw wine production), which are then used to create a thick, black liquid with.


taste, gustatory sensation, sugariness, sweet, gustatory perception, taste sensation, taste perception,


nasty, ease, impolite, discourtesy, polite,

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