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surpass Meaning in marathi ( surpass शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मागे टाकणे, पलीकडे,



surpass मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जेमीसनने हॅट्रीकचा टाकलेला चेंडू मोहम्मद शमीने सीमेपलीकडे धाडत चौकार मारला.

3 )एका हाताने अगर दोन्ही हातांनीअंडर HANDणे घेतलेला चेंडू एकच प्रयत्नात नेट च्या पलीकडे कुठल्याही प्रकारचा फौल न होता जाने गरजेचे आहे.

दृश्य वस्तूमध्ये तिच्या स्वरूपाशिवाय जे अस्तित्व किंवा सत्ता असते, तिचे ज्ञान मानवी बुद्धीला होऊ शकत असल्यामुळे दृश्य वस्तूंपलीकडे जाणारी तत्त्वमीमांसा मानवी बुद्धी निर्मू शकते.

ॲरिस्टॉटलने निकोमाचियन एथिक्समध्ये या शब्दाचा वापर आनंदाच्या सामान्य अर्थाच्या पलीकडे केला आहे.

[15] [16] शहराच्या मूळ द्वीपकल्पाच्या पलीकडे जमीन सुधार आणि महापालिका विस्ताराने विस्तारण्यात आला आहे.

आविर्भावाच्या म्हणजे आकाराच्या पलीकडे असलेली कलाकृतीची खास नवीनता, तिची खास स्वतंत्रता या अनुभवातच समाविष्ट असते.

या गेटच्या पलीकडे आणखी एक मोकळे मैदान आहे, जे दिवाणे-ए-आमचे अंगण असायचे.

हसऱ्या रेषेतून हसवण्याच्या पलीकडे (सदरलेखन संग्रह; मॅजिस्टिक प्रकाशन).

लोहगडाच्या शेवटच्या दरवाज्यातून पलीकडे गेल्यावर एक नागमोडी वाट लागते.

1 9 01: पुर्दा (लन्दन: फ्रेमेंटल एंड कंपनी) पलीकडे प्रेम आणि जीवन [जैनानातील जीवनसंबंधांविषयीची लघुकथा, तसेच वसाहतवादी राजवटी अंतर्गत भारतातील जीवनाचे इतर पैलू].

सालशेत बेटाच्या दक्षिणेस माहीमच्या खाडीपलीकडे माहीम बेट आहे.

फक्त शीख गुरुच नव्हे तर तत्कालीन अनेक हिंदू-मुस्लिम भक्तांची वाणी समाविष्ट करण्यात आलेला हा ग्रंथ जातीपाती, भेदभाव यांपलीकडे जातो.

surpass's Usage Examples:

metres (13,478 ft), it is the highest point on the highway, surpassing the famed Zoji La.

The label released series such as Unsurpassed Masters (outtakes by many artists including the Beatles and the Beach Boys) and Day By Day (the complete Beatles' Get Back sessions).

) On August 15, Boras negotiated an all-time record bonus of "8 million for Cole, surpassing the "7.

This building is the dominant feature of the capitol grounds, with its dome high, making it the tallest self-supporting masonry dome in the United States, and fifth tallest in the world, surpassed only by St.

Richardson's fame as a ball player extends from Maine to California, and is only surpassed by his genial gentlemanly bearing and manner, which have earned for him the best wishes of innumerable friends for his future happiness.

have since been surpassed), including career passing attempts (8,358), completions (4,967), passing yards (61,361), and touchdown passes (420).

formed by 3, 4 or 5 players throw each other the ball with the hand try to surpass an imaginary line which changes every game.

In 1958–59, he surpassed Don Bradman's record for the highest individual first-class innings.

This evolutionary algorithm continues until a prespecified amount of time elapses or some target performance metric is surpassed.

mission-duration record of 29 days, surpassing the 23-day record set by the ill-fated Soyuz 11 crew aboard Salyut 1 in 1971.

By 1990, it had surpassed levels reached in 1943.

textures, notably at the end of Don Quixote, where the solo cello has a surpassingly beautiful D major transformation of the main theme.

Predictive coding leverages small samples to cross-reference similar items, weed out less relevant documents so attorneys can focus on the truly important key documents, produces statistically validated results, equal to or surpassing the accuracy and, prominently, the rate of human review.


crush, outsell, outroar, outgo, out-herod, beat out, shame, circumvent, outwit, vanquish, outshout, outsmart, overreach, outweigh, beat, outbrave, shell, trounce, better, outdo, outwear, outstrip, outshine, outpace, outdraw, outsail, exceed, outmarch, outfox, outgrow, surmount, outmatch, outrange, outcry, outperform, break,


respect, unify, stay, function, keep quiet,

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