<< surger surgery >>

surgeries Meaning in marathi ( surgeries शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शस्त्रक्रिया, ऑर्थोपेडिक्स, आर्थ्रोप्लास्टी,


शस्त्रक्रिया, ऑर्थोपेडिक्स, आर्थ्रोप्लास्टी,

surgeries मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तातडीने शस्त्रक्रिया करण्यात आली.

हृदय चालू असताना ‘ऑक्टोपस’ नावाचे उपकरण लावून ‘कॉरोनरी बायपास’ करण्याची शस्त्रक्रिया त्यांनी आत्मसात केली.

विलक्षण शस्त्रक्रिया.

येथे ९00 हून अधिक हृदयशस्त्रक्रिया झाल्या आहेत.

शस्त्रक्रिया या रक्तवाहिन्या हृदयापासून उगम होऊन अन्य अवयवांकडे जातात.

नंतर त्याच्यावर शस्त्रक्रिया करून त्याला दृष्टी मिळते.

स्त्री नसबंदी शस्त्रक्रिया.

रुग्णालयात स्थानिक वेदनानाशकाच्या प्रभावाखाली केवळ वीस ते तीस मिनिटात ही शस्त्रक्रिया बहुतेक सर्व ग्रामीण रुग्णालयात केली जाते.

परंपरागत शस्त्रक्रिया व लॅपरोस्कोपिक शस्त्रक्रिया यांमधील फरक .

*निदानाकरिता- रुग्णाच्या रोगनिदानाकरिता केली जाणारी शस्त्रक्रिया उदा.

पुरुषी अहंकारापोटी व 'अशक्तपणा येतो' हे खोटे कारण सांगून पुरुष टाळाटाळ करतात व स्त्रियांवर शस्त्रक्रिया करून घेण्याची जबाबदारी टाकतात.

*उपचारात्मक- रुग्णाच्या रोगनिदानानंतर केली जाणारी शस्त्रक्रिया उदा.

शस्त्रक्रिया या दिवशी नागदिवाळी साजरी करण्याची प्रथा महाराष्ट्राच्या काही भागात आहे.

surgeries's Usage Examples:

surgeries to repair issues including pulmonary regurgitation, valve narrowing, kinking of the conduit, or calcification, leading to significant morbidity.

of management and unnecessary surgeries performed on women and children aversely affecting their health.

Diathermy: used to remove unwanted hair, moles, warts, et cetera Lasers: for surgeries Cryoprobes: used to remove unwanted hair, moles, warts, et cetera v t e.

Complications from masculinizing surgeries, medical display, and the use of prenatal treatments are also.

Tranexamic acid is used to prevent and treat blood loss in a variety of situations, such as dental procedures, heavy menstrual bleeding, and surgeries with high risk of blood loss.

They may perform prenatal tests, provide treatments, and perform surgeries.

Macchiarini has been accused of unethically performing experimental surgeries, even on relatively healthy patients.

often used after other forms of treatment have failed (nasal surgeries, tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, tongue reduction surgeries).

He underwent three major surgeries resulting in bed rest for one and a half years.

Other services in the hospital include family and community medicine, genetics testing, maternal and pediatric care, diagnostic imaging, geriatric care, mental health, surgeries Satellite sites Branson Ambulatory Care Centre The Branson Ambulatory Care Centre is located at Bathurst Street and Finch Avenue West.

has performed over 20,000 cardiac surgeries including over 1800 redo bypass surgeries and over 3000 high risk surgeries.

When non-radiopaque sponges are forgotten during surgeries, "Textiloma" or "gossypiboma" are formed.

Feminization surgeries are surgeries that result in anatomy that is typically gendered female.


medical science,


inaction, inactiveness,

surgeries's Meaning in Other Sites