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surfacing Meaning in marathi ( surfacing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पृष्ठभाग, फ्लोटिंग,



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surfacing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१८६९-७०), पॅरिस इन द ट्वेंटिएथ सेंच्युरी, फाइव्ह वीक्स इन अ बलून, अराउंड द मून, अ फ्लोटिंग सिटी, अराउंड द वर्ल्ड इन एटी डेझ ही त्यांची पुस्तके विशेष गाजली आहेत.

बरेच छोटे कण देखील आहेत - घन आणि द्रव - वातावरणात "फ्लोटिंग".

एक्स्ट्रीम इंजिनीअरिंग या टीव्ही मालिकेत डॅनी फोर्स्टर फुकुओका डोमचा संदर्भ देताना असे म्हणतात की त्यास "फ्लोटिंग" फील्ड आहेत.

फ्लोटिंग बॉडीजच्या कामात त्याने हे दाखवून दिले की फ्लोटिंग ऑब्जेक्टचे दिशानिर्देश हेच त्याच्या वस्तुमानाचे केंद्र शक्य तितके कमी करते.

तरंगती टाकीचे बायोगॅस (फ्लोटिंग डोम) संयंत्राला येणारा खर्चही त्याच्या आकारमानावर अवलंबून आहे.

surfacing's Usage Examples:

improved and the person"s satisfaction is favorable after hip resurfacing arthroplasty.

The surfacing of sex tapes has become so common that some are "leaked" as a marketing tool to advance or establish a media career.

Surface ablation of the skin (dermabrasion, also called resurfacing because it induces regeneration) can be carried.

graded earth compacted surface, with a prefabricated hessian (burlap) surfacing known as PHS.

Regular subjects for discussion included the state of the roads, especially surfacing by rolling gravel and the introduction of kerbstones; drainage and sewerage; street lighting; wells; slaughterhouses; and infectious diseases.

The ill-fated album was never released however tracks 'Next To Me, Lies and How Does it Feel were released officially online with leaked songs Promised land and Woke Up Screaming surfacing online some time later.

during the 2000s with the construction of bypasses and extensive resurfacing works on stretches not bypassed.

conversations with Datsik began surfacing online, hinting that Datsik has gotten sober, is working on new music, and plans to return to the electronic music.

Cetacean surfacing behaviour or breaching is a group of behaviours demonstrated by the Cetacea infraorder when they come to the water"s surface to breathe.

A remake has been in talks for several years, with one finally surfacing in 2019.

There were no further surfacing works planned in 1950, nor in 1952 while Great Eastern Highway was still yet to be fully sealed.

This included resurfacing the platform, an extension to the car park and public art.

temporary field built by the XII Engineer Command using a graded earth compacted surface, with a prefabricated hessian (burlap) surfacing known as PHS.


egress, egression, emergence,


ingress, disappearance, fall, ending,

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