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supporters Meaning in marathi ( supporters शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

समर्थक, उपयुक्त, नातेवाईक, संरक्षक, पक्षपाती, मदत करा,


उपयुक्त, नातेवाईक, संरक्षक, पक्षपाती, मदत करा,

supporters मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

च्या दरम्यान तापमान, ५० टक्क्यांपेक्षा जास्त आर्द्रता व चांगला सूर्यप्रकाश उपयुक्त ठरतो.

ब्लोक्चेन ह्याची अशी वापरण्याची परिस्थिती, शामिर म्हणतो, उघदास आलेली नाही ज्यामध्ये अस्तित्वात असलेले तंत्रज्ञान उपयुक्त नाही.

उदारमतवादात मुक्ततेची जागा उपयुक्ततेने घेतली.

पावसाळ्याच्या दिवसात तर घरामध्ये तुळस असायलाच हवी, इतकी तुळस त्या दिवसांमधील विविध आजारांवर उपयुक्त आहे.

त्या स्थलांतरांची वैशिष्ट्येेे, त्या काळातील संगीत क्षेत्रातील वातावरण, गुरुकुल परंपरेची खासीयत, रहिमतखान, बाळकृष्णबुवा इचलकरंजीकर, भास्करबुवा बखले, रामकृष्णबुवा वझे, अल्लादिया खान, अब्दुल करीम खॉं यांसारख्या थोर गायकांचे योगदान, या सर्व पैलूंचा बहुमुखी विचार या ग्रंथात केला असल्याने संगीताच्या विद्यार्थ्यांना, अभ्यासकांना हा ग्रंथ फार उपयुक्त आहे.

वर्षभर टिकवून ठेवण्यासाठी जांभळाच्या पिकलेल्या फळापासून जेली, सिरप, स्क्वॅश असे उपयुक्त पदार्थ तयार करता येतात.

३) सिद्धेश्वर वनविहार या प्रकल्पामध्ये विविध प्रकारच्या वनस्पतींचा अत्यंत उपयुक्त पद्धतीने वापर केलेला आहे.

पचनशक्ती सुधारण्यासाठी आणि भूक वाढण्यासाठी हे मीठ उपयुक्त आहे.

याच्या खोड़ाला लागलेली बुर्शी पासून खोड काळे होते ते उपयुक्तांग आहे.

चोकला या राजस्थानमधील उपजातीपासून चांगल्या प्रतीची गालिचे करण्याला उपयुक्त लोकर मिळते.

१९६० च्या दशकात प्लाजमा वेल्डिंगच्या काळात प्लाजमाचा काटा काढला गेला आणि१९८० च्या दशकात शीट मेटल आणि प्लेटचा काटा काढण्याचा एक अत्यंत उपयुक्त मार्ग म्हणून उदयास आले.

हवा पाणी यांच्याप्रमाणे जमीन हाही उपयुक्त व महत्त्वाचा घटक आहे.

मधुमक्षिका अथवा अनेक उपयुक्त व मनोरंजक विषयांचा संग्रह.

supporters's Usage Examples:

Activists within the movement claim over 40,000 active supporters, and public opinion polls have shown significant support for the secession of Texas or other.

The ispáns of Bács, Sopron, Zala and other important counties were mostly nominated from among Emeric's former supporters.

It was in Beechworth gaol that twenty-one men, suspected Kelly Gang supporters, relatives and other sympathisers were held without trial or evidence for over three months, by the Chief Commissioner of Police Captain Standish, under the Outlawry Act.

He was idolised by Racing Club supporters, and often compared with Uruguayan star José.

The term was used to indicate an almost fanatical devotion to the cause of nationalism, which its supporters felt was needed.

With the Andhra State still not granted, Sreeramulu resumed his hunger strike, at the Madras house of Maharshi Bulusu Sambamurti on 19 October 1952, despite the entreaties of supporters who stated that retention of Madras was a futile cause.

An attempt by one of the pashas to remove these two by a coup d'état failed, owing to the loyalty of the beys' armed supporters, who released Ibrahim and Ridwan from prison and compelled the pasha to flee to Constantinople.

This enraged many Eintracht supporters, as Jones canceled a contract negotiation with chairman Heribert Bruchhagen a few days before it was scheduled to take place.

The pubs along the street are also popular meeting places for supporters going to the nearby Emirates Stadium, home of Arsenal Football Club.

1643), Porter"s Mill was singled out and burnt down by local Royalists ("malignants" as they were described by supporters of Parliament) to prevent it supplying.

Iron Man subsequently admonishes Kelly for his lack of gratitude and the humiliated Senator ends up leaving under a storm of protests and thrown objects from his former supporters.

The name may originally have alluded to the supporters of Folke Jarl at Gestilren, but then became the denomination for a party or faction.

Many supporters of Kamenev and Zinoviev's group, as well as most from the Workers Opposition grouping, had left the United Opposition by mid-1927, changing sides under the growing political pressure and espousing their support for Stalin.


wassailer, friend, mainstay, Francophil, ratifier, proponent, corporatist, endorser, Shavian, philhellene, cheerleader, upholder, functionalist, advocate, well-wisher, sympathiser, Graecophile, enthusiast, champion, booster, verifier, New Dealer, Confederate, partisan, anglophile, Whig, Jacobite, loyalist, truster, anglophil, Boswell, stalwart, pillar, voucher, sympathizer, sustainer, Roundhead, toaster, seconder, indorser, subscriber, admirer, exponent, free trader, believer, philhellenist, advocator, partizan, maintainer, Francophile, protagonist,


girl, captor, bad person, employer, absent,

supporters's Meaning in Other Sites