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sulks Meaning in marathi ( sulks शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उदास, अभिमान, उद्धटपणा,


मुल्य, सल्क,

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sulks मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

1) किशोरावस्थेत चांगल्या वाईटाची जाणीव फारशी नसल्यामुळे चोरी,लाभाडी,आक्रमकता उद्धटपणा,गुन्हेगारी या समस्या उद्भवतात.

किंगकॉंग आपल्या पाशवी शक्तीसाठी आणि उद्धटपणासाठी कुप्रसिद्ध होता.

त्याच्या बोलण्यात कधीही अश्लिल किंवा उद्धटपणा नसतो.

आंबेडकरांनी म्हटले की, "प्राध्यापक नरसु--जे लढले युरोपियन उद्धटपणाविरुद्ध देशभक्तीपूर्ण उत्साहाने, सनातनी (रुढीप्रिय) हिंदुत्त्वाविरुद्ध मूर्तीभंजक आवेशाने, पाखंडी ब्राम्हणांसोबत राष्ट्रीय दृष्टीने आणि आक्रमक ख्रिस्ती धर्माविरुद्ध बुद्धिप्रामाण्यवादी दृष्टीकोनाने.

5) उद्धटपणा,आक्रमक स्वभाव,भित्रेपणा.

sulks's Usage Examples:

and assistant manager Mark Bowen advised Nzonzi to stop his "theatrical sulks".

the Evening Chronicle said "Lucas is one of those teenagers who, when he sulks, looks like he"s been sucking lemons for a week.

As the players celebrate and the Scientist sulks, the entire world cheers and human players start returning to sports.

24, though Stephen sulks on the plane home about the missing money.

school and works hard, but once she makes a new friend called Judy, Ruby sulks and ignores her twin.

graduation ceremony, free from her ex, who stands next to his truck and sulks.

Buddy then runs out and sulks in the barn, until the afternoon, when Miss Sook teaches him that he shouldn"t.

Buzz Girl rarely smiles in most of the episodes and frowns or sulks more often.

She sulks in the coatroom and rebuffs words of comfort from a concerned man, not realizing.

As she sulks, Oogway encourages her to be herself rather than Shifu, so she decides to.

critic wrote that in the aftermath of his rejected proposal to Essie, Ben "sulks", but found the character to be "deeply hurt and affronted" when Essie suggests.

The race ends at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California where the finishers celebrate their arrival and the defeated Roscoe sulks off to one side – until a fleet of police cars and tow trucks, summoned by Roscoe, arrive to impound the Gumball vehicles.

As she sulks in her bedroom, Rich turns up at her window, serenading her an extract from.


temper, humour, sulkiness, humor, mood,


inelasticity, soften, good nature, ill humor, good humor,

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