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suffusing Meaning in marathi ( suffusing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


शेडिंग, पाऊस पडणे, झाकणे,

suffusing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पेन्सिल शेडिंग - वास्तुचित्रे (बालसाहित्य, लेखक - पुंडलिक वझे).

आभाळ व्यापून टाकलेली, घनदाट जंगलातील, गार गार सावली देणारी अशी झाडे, धुक्यात हरवलेली काहीशी गूढ वाटणारी क्लच पेन्सिलने शेडिंग केलेली झाडे , डोंगर.

परंतु पंखा चालवणे हा उपाय असला तरी लोड शेडिंग असल्याने उन्हाळ्यात बहुधा लाईट जास्तवेळ नसते.

पेन्सिल शेडिंग (बालसाहित्य, लेखक - पुंडलिक वझे).

एकमेकांशी गप्पा मारणारी एकमेकांना बिलगून बसलेली मायाळू माणसे, आदिमानवाच्या गुहेतील चित्रांची आठवण होईल अशी नाजूक रेषांतील माणसं , पाना - फुलांसारखीच एकमेकांत गुंतून गेलेली युगुलांची चित्र … जाड मार्करच्या रेषांनी वेगवेगळे भाव दाखवणारे भावपूर्ण चेहरे, शिल्प आहेत असा भास होणारे एकमेकांना जोडलेले बारिक टोकाच्या पेनने शेडिंग केलेले चेहरे.

गुळगुळीत पावडर शेडिंगच्या काळातही आबालाल यांनी रेखाचित्रांमध्ये स्वतंत्रपणे प्रस्थापित केलेली शैली पाहून त्यांच्यातील अभिजात कलागुणाची साक्ष पटते.

suffusing's Usage Examples:

cold-hearted faerie Shub-Internet, a Lovecraftian transdimensional entity suffusing the internet Barclay Thormon, the disembodied brain of a cruel businessman.

from the middle of the base obliquely toward the costa, thinning out or suffusing with another from one-fourth to before half.

They are whitish dorsally, suffusing into pale green below.

canonised and his doctrine of frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist suffusing the interior of the church and its present and unbroken heritage of Catholic.

the anal angle, the inner border of which is sharply defined, the outer suffusing itself on the disk.

Subtil!" Cora regarded him not; but dropping on her knees, with rich glow suffusing itself over her features, she raised her eyes and outstretched arms toward.

Females have yellow infuscation suffusing the outer wings, while the males have similar colour at the bases of the.

beyond the cell from the subcostal to vein 5, the fourth and fifth lines suffusing below vein 5.

refreshing, fulfilling expectations but also offering the unexpected, suffusing the evening with both the light and the dark, the lean and the dense,.

with the costal area ochreous and in the males with an ochreous tint suffusing the wing and leaving only the inner and anal margins fawn colour.

There is an angled white line at the end of the cell before a drab spot, suffusing beyond it with a white annulus containing a drab spot.

" Melancholy, shyness and embarrassment dominate the novel, suffusing even those scenes involving sudden violence with a sense of bemused, slightly.

He has achieved recognition for suffusing his novels with satire.


flush, perfuse,


uneven, poor, ill health,

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