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streaked Meaning in marathi ( streaked शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




streaked मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

साडीच्या पदरावर आदिवासी संस्कृतीशी नाते सांगणारे पट्टेदार डिझाइन विणले जाते.

सिंहाचा प्रतिकात्मक वापर हा "कबड्डीतील बचावपटूचा रानटीपणा आणि चढाईपटूची चपळाई" दाखवतो, आणि त्याची पट्टेदार आयाळ जागतिक सहभागाचे प्रतिक आहे.

या रंगकामात, पट्टेदार वाघ, ढोऱ्या वाघ, झेंडू वाघ, बिट्टु वाघ आदी समाविष्ट आहेत.

jpg| पट्टेदार मुंगूस.

streaked's Usage Examples:

Females are a buff brown colour on top, with light buff, brown, or gray underparts that may or may not be streaked with brown.

Somalia east to Pakistan and North India, where it is sometimes called streaked wren-warbler.

long, petals orbicular, yellow, the upper streaked with red, filaments densely wooly in the lower.

With dry and streaked hair, dirty teeth and torn clothes, he looks the part and though he doesn't utter a word, he conveys everything through his expressions and body language.

The streaked shearwater disperses from its east Asian breeding islands throughout the western Pacific and.

The forewings are suboblong, deep orange -ferruginous, yellower towards dorsum anteriorly, suffusedly streaked transversely with pale violet.

Her upperparts are olive-green (duskier on the head), most of the underparts are yellow streaked with green, and.

The sides of her head and neck are streaked with black, and the underparts are rich buff.

cram a mouthful in;/ But laughed in heart to feel the drip/ Of juice that syruped all her face,/ And lodged in dimples of her chin,/ And streaked her neck.

The streaked shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas) is a species of seabird.

Siganus doliatus, commonly known as the barred spinefoot, scribbled rabbitfish, pencil-streaked rabbitfish, barred Spanish mackerel, blue-lined rabbitfish.

streaked with whitish ; costa and dorsum blackish - dotted ; a whitish subdorsal longitudinal line, thrice sinuate upwards, margined above with an ocbreous-brownish.

Juvenile males are dark on their upper body, with dull dray underparts streaked with dark brown or black, and a buff abdomen.


patterned, streaky,


kvetch, complain, plain,

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