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strategies Meaning in marathi ( strategies शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

धोरणे, लष्करी डावपेच, मार्शल आर्ट्स, रणनीती,


लष्करी डावपेच, मार्शल आर्ट्स, रणनीती,

strategies मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

चित्राने झाले ते मागे टाकत पुढे जाण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आणि त्याच्या पुढच्याच महिन्यात (सप्टेंबर २०१७) १५०० मीटर स्पर्धेत एशियन इंडोर आणि मार्शल आर्ट्स गेम्समध्ये सुवर्ण पदक जिंकले.

भारतीय मार्शल आर्ट्स.

मलय वांशिक गटाने साहित्य, आर्किटेक्चर, पाकपरंपरा, पारंपारिक वेषभूषा, परफॉर्मिंग आर्ट्स, मार्शल आर्ट्स आणि शाही दरबाराच्या परंपरेत योगदान दिले आणि आदर्श घडवले.

येथे सात गुरुकुल आहेत आणि सात वेगवेगळ्या नृत्य शैली आणि छाऊ आणि कलारीपायटू ह्या दोन मार्शल आर्ट्स शिकवल्या जातात.

त्या मध्ये तो माकडा सारखी शेपटी असणार मार्शल आर्ट्स खेळणारा व असीम ताकद असलेला लहान मुलगा होता.

जिल्हाध्यक्ष, मार्शल आर्ट्स.

शाओलिन मठात यांनीच चिनी मार्शल आर्ट्सचा पाया घातला असे मानले जाते.

strategies's Usage Examples:

Additionally, the grip is used for some defensive strategies, such as chipping and blocking shots.

strategies they employed), and a Collar and Elbow bout itself as "scuffling" or a "scuffling bee".

There are two basic strategies used to prevent non-repeatable reads.

The party"s platform was premised on opposition to corruption, with a mixture of liberal principles and strategies.

impending suicide, methods may include: treating mental illness improving coping strategies of people who are at risk reducing risk factors for suicide,.

StrategiesOne of UKMA's strategies, aimed at getting their message to a wider audience including journalists and researchers, is to use Wikipedia as a conduit for their information.

Deterring strategies, might include an excess capacity, limit pricing, predatory pricing, predatory acquisition (hostile takeovers) and switching costs.

Palermo who proved that all strategies are dominated by a strategy of the form reject the first p unconditionally, then accept the next candidate who is better.

in emotional pain, so in social interactions people cooperate by using politeness strategies to maintain each other"s faces.

essential component of most digital preservation strategies, including digital curation, data management, digital collections management and the preservation of.

strategies suppliers of information about the English language better anticipators of language learning difficulties sensitive to language learners" needs.

As summarized in a recent work the ideas and concepts of post normal science bring about the emergence of new problem solving strategies in which the role of science is appreciated in its full context of the complexity and the uncertainty of natural systems and the relevance of human commitments and values.

The pedagogy adopted by teachers shapes their actions, judgments, and other teaching strategies by taking.


incentive program, wheeze, playbook, stratagem, plot, game, bubble, contrivance, pyramid scheme, house of cards, incentive scheme, plan of action, scheme, dodge, waiting game, secret plan, counterterrorism, game plan,


inactivity, fall, stand still, truth, confront,

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