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spitals Meaning in marathi ( spitals शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


पाठीचा कणा, पृष्ठवंशीय,

spitals मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

आत्मचरित्रे पृष्ठवंशीय प्राण्यांच्या पाठीच्या कणास्तंभातील प्रत्येक हाडाला मणका म्हणतात.

अमेरिकेचे सैन्याधिकारी पक्षी हे उंच उडणारे दोन पायांवर चालणारे पिसे असलेले गरम रक्ताचे पृष्ठवंशीय जीव आहेत.

बहुतेक सर्व पृष्ठवंशीय प्राण्यामध्ये जीभ अन्न गिळण्यासाठी, चवीच्या जाणीवेसाठी मदत करते.

३०,००० मधील आहेत आणि जवळजवळ १०,००,००० वर्ष जुन्या ऑडिटोरियम रॉक शेल्टरच्या शेवटी कपसारखे छोटे खळग आहेत; शिवालिक आणि पोठवार (पाकिस्तान) प्रदेश यथे अनेक पृष्ठवंशीय जीवाश्म राहते आणि अश्मयुगातील साधने सापडले आहेत .

जीवशास्त्र मानवी शरीर जीभ हा पृष्ठवंशीय प्राण्यांच्या शरीराच्या तोंडामधला लालसर गुलाबी रंगाचा एक अवयव आहे.

ही क्षमता पक्ष्यांना इतर पृष्ठवंशीय प्राण्यांपेक्षा वेगळे ठरवते.

ही पृष्ठवंशीय प्राण्यांमध्ये हाडांप्रमाणे शरीराला आधार देणारी संयोजी ऊती आहे.

मनुष्य आणि इतर पृष्ठवंशीय प्राण्यांच्या डोक्याच्या सांगाड्याला कवटी म्हणतात.

spitals's Usage Examples:

She worked in several hospitals as a medical administrator and collator of statistics during the war and after it continued to support veterans.

Because Armero's hospital was destroyed in the eruption, helicopters moved survivors to nearby hospitals.

have been directed to take proper measures to provide medical care to transgenders in hospitals and provide them separate public toilets and other facilities.

Swedish Medical Center is one of only two hospitals in Washington that can perform extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and so it accepted patients with the most extreme cases of COVID-19 during the pandemic.

international healthcare accreditation by the America-based Joint Commission International (JCI) as well as 13 NABH National Accreditation Board for Hospitals.

Many factors influence the choice of model, including the educational philosophy of the institution and the distance of the attached teaching hospitals to the university base (it is much easier for universities with teaching hospitals nearby to offer an integrated curriculum).

Hospital beds and other similar types of beds such as nursing care beds are used not only in hospitals, but in other health care facilities.

The study argued that Massachusetts hospitals could prevent 55,000 adverse drug events per year and save "170 million annually if they fully implemented CPOE.

she began working for the International Organization of Migration, which arranges for people to receive medical treatment in hospitals located in 19 countries.

Amongst the medical facilities, it had 32 dispensaries/ health centres, 1 veterinary hospital, 5 charitable hospitals/ nursing homes and 32 medicine shops.

His hastily organized trains kept the Union Army well supplied, and he organized the returning trains to carry thousands of Union wounded to hospitals.

An automated dispensing cabinet (ADC) is a computerized medicine cabinet for hospitals and healthcare settings.

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