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speak Meaning in marathi ( speak शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

संभाषण, बोलणे,


बोलणे, बोला, बोलतोय, उच्चार करणे, उल्लेख करणे, घोषणा करणे, कात्या, वर्णन करणे, भाषेत व्यक्त करा, उच्चार, भाषण देण्यासाठी, आवाज करणे, म्हणे, म्हणा, प्रकट करणे, चर्चेसाठी, तक्रार करण्यासाठी,

speak मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या सर्वांचा सामायिक अर्थ बोलणे, युक्तिवाद करणे, चर्चा करणे इत्यादी आहे.

शिक्षण, स्त्रियांना गृहोद्योग, स्वच्छता, शुद्ध बोलणे इत्यादी शिकविण्यास त्यांनी कार्यकर्त्यांचा एक चमू उभारून ग्रामविकासाचे काम चालवले.

संवाद साधण्यासाठी लिहिणे, वाचणे, बोलणे, इशारे, हावभाव, मुक अभिनय, मुद्राभाव असे अनेक माध्यम आहेत.

मूक-बधिरांसाठी शिक्षण सुलभ व्हावे, त्यांना इतरांचे बोलणे कळावे यासाठी अलेक्झांडर ग्रॅहॅम बेल सतत प्रयत्नशील होते.

आकलन म्हणजे दुसऱ्याचे बोलणे समजून घेणे.

बोलणे बंद झाल्यावर जगण्यास उद्देश उरणार नाही असेही त्यांनी म्हटले होते.

"संस्कृत बोलणे सेविणे|तेंचि सांडावी प्रकृत वचने|ऐसिया मूर्खा मुंडणे|किती आता||"असे ते म्हणतात.

>एकाला उद्देशून पण दुसऱ्याला लागेल असे बोलणे.

शरीरशास्त्र म्हणजे चूप राहणे, निःशब्द असणे किंवा न बोलणे आहे.

मेंदूच्या ज्या भागावर परिणाम होतो, त्यानुसार रुग्णाची आकलनक्षमता, शिकणे, बोलणे आणि संवाद साधणे, श्रवण क्षमता, अन्न गिळणे, बुद्धी, स्वभाव, संवेदना, तसेच दृष्टीवरील परिणाम अशा प्रकारचे दोष निर्माण होतात.

speak's Usage Examples:

four-screen speech prompting system for speakers consisting of two glass teleprompters, accompanied by an inset lectern monitor, and for the first time, a.

own words, it was "difficult to speak of it in perfectly measured and unexaggerated language.

Printwhistle accepts, Lucifer summons up four historical villains, and Printwhistle is told to speak the magic word IBAC.

Generally, this is much easier for extroverts, who have few difficulties speaking to a group extemporaneously, than.

Berset speaks Swiss German, Standard German, French, Italian, Romansh and English.

Since the force is applied only to the voice coil in a cone speaker, there are distortion modes called cone breakup; in the magneplanar speakers the force is applied much more evenly over the radiating surface, resulting in fewer distortion modes.

deportment of one who speaks or treats of [a certain subject]", or more succinctly, "the study of [a certain subject]".

The majority of the population speak Ilocano followed by Pangasinan.

languages, reflecting a general attitude of unspeakability about such bodily function.

As pro tem speaker, he performed the Speaker"s duties.

A speakeasy, also called a blind pig or blind tiger, is an illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages, or a retro style bar that replicates.

The prevalence of Europeans from the British Isles on these islands, as well as the SSS islands' proximity and trade with nearby English-speaking islands, resulted in an English creole being spoken in the SSS islands.

All Defaka people speak Nkoroo; most use it as their primary language, even when talking with other Defaka speakers.


rattle on, yack, lip off, drone, rabbit on, siss, palaver, begin, murmur, gulp, phonate, blab, ejaculate, cackle, blabber, snap, mussitate, bark, intercommunicate, sing, prattle, modulate, hiss, swallow, stutter, whiff, gibber, maunder, intone, yap away, utter, bumble, whisper, jaw, spout, sibilate, verbalise, jabber, piffle, vocalise, blubber, open up, communicate, clack, tattle, chatter, whine, blurt out, peep, deliver, blunder, slur, speak up, tone, vocalize, rant, shoot one"s mouth off, generalise, babble, enthuse, blurt, shout, falter, snarl, read, tittle-tattle, talk about, rasp, mouth off, speak in tongues, gabble, bay, present, yack away, talk, stammer, prate, blunder out, sizz, talk of, snivel, rave, mutter, mouth, troll, verbalize, chant, mumble, inflect, twaddle, generalize, blubber out, drone on,


gather, specify, close up, shout, whisper,

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