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solitary confinement Meaning in marathi ( solitary confinement शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




solitary confinement मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ह्यानंतर जवळजवळ तीन दशके तो जार्‌व्हेनपा येथे एकांतवासात राहिला.

एकांतवासात पूजा करण्यासाठी राबियाने घर सोडले.

एकांतवासात राहणार्‍या राजकुमार यांना आपल्या मृत्यूची चाहूल लागली होती.

त्याचा परिणाम म्हणुन ते अरुणाचलावरील एका गुहेत २१ दिवसांच्या दी्र्घ एकांतवासात राहीले.

पुराव्यांवरून असे दिसून येते की डिकिंसन यांनी आपले बरेचसे आयुष्य एकांतवासात घालवले.

२४ नोव्हेंबर १९२६ च्या अधिमानसाच्या अवतरणानंतर (Descent of Overmind) श्रीअरविंदांना अधिक उच्चतर साधनेसाठी एकांतवासात जाणे भाग पडले आणि त्यावेळी त्यांनी आश्रमाची, भौतिक आणि आध्यात्मिक सर्व जबाबदारी श्रीमाताजींवर सोपविली.

त्यावेळी विजयनगरची तत्कालीन राणी, अलमेलेम्मा पराभवानंतर एकांतवासात होती.

निवृत्तीनंतर १९५१ मध्ये तिने अमेरिकन नागरिकत्व स्वीकारले व ती न्यूयॉर्क शहरात एकांतवासात राहू लागली.

solitary confinement's Usage Examples:

states are reforming solitary confinement laws, in Montana, secluding inmates is still a reality".

prison management based on the principle of keeping prisoners in solitary confinement.

While studies have shown the effects of solitary confinement to be detrimental to some inmates, solitary confinement of women has particular consequences.

Long-term stays in solitary confinement can.

former prisoners who were held at Louisiana State Penitentiary in solitary confinement for decades after being convicted in 1973 of prison murders.

Yousef Molaei, Abdolfattah Soltani (who was arrested and put in solitary confinement in 2005 on unknown charges), and the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Shirin Ebadi.

For 23 days Jastrow was kept in solitary confinement; for 72 days he shared the cell of Rabbi Meisels.

Silverstein spent the last 36 years of his life in solitary confinement for killing Corrections Officer Merle Clutts at the Marion Penitentiary.

However, Berrima Gaol had solitary confinement cells which measured 8 feet by 5 feet, some smaller, where it was intended that all prisoners spent one year.

For years he was kept in solitary confinement without access to family and medical assistance.

The grand master denounced Dolomieu and he was transferred to Messina, Sicily, and imprisoned under horrible conditions, in solitary confinement, for the next 21 months.

After being imprisoned three and a half years, including one year in solitary confinement in an unheated cell while temperatures fell to minus 40C in the winter, she was released on 9 October 1986, on the eve of the summit in Reykjavík, Iceland between President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.

He was incarcerated in solitary confinement, with his access to the outside world severely restricted.


solitary, confinement,


multiple, accompanied, social,

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