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softs Meaning in marathi ( softs शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



लवचिक, छान, सोपे, सौम्य, सहानुभूतीशील, मऊ, स्त्रीलिंगी, गुळगुळीत, कोमल, कडक, हलके, शांत व्हा, कमकुवत मनाचा, कनिष्ठ, बिटुमेन, ग्रेस, स्नेह, अनुकंपा, कोमलंगा,

softs मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्याच काळात तेल काढून टाकण्यासाठी खडक गरम करून ऑइल शेल आणि बिटुमेनमधून केरोसिनचे उत्पादन देखील होते, नंतर ते डिस्टिल होते.

softs's Usage Examples:

turtle (Palea steindachneri), also commonly known as Steindachner"s soft-shelled turtle, is an endangered Asian species of softshell turtle in the family.

The spiny softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera) is a species of softshell turtle, one of the largest freshwater turtle species in North America.

A softspoken girl who was blinded at a young age after accidentally spilling antifreeze.

He is a gentle, softspoken, modest man.

"bricks and mortar" so to speak; only when this is completed can the landscaper begin to focus on the softscape features of the yard, such as lawn, floral.

snapping turtle Eastern mud turtle Striped mud turtle Common musk turtle Loggerhead musk turtle Spiny softshell turtle Smooth softshell turtle Florida softshell.

The softs are a bright coal sometimes with inclusions of pyrites.

They are softspoken and bewildered.

Hamilton switched out worn supersoft tyres for softs on lap 23.

Soft commodities, or softs, are commodities such as coffee, cocoa, sugar, corn, wheat, soybean, fruit and livestock.

in the sedge family known by the common names softstem bulrush, grey club-rush, and great bulrush.

Alewife spawn during April and May, and the river contains bluefish, flounder, scup, striped bass, blue crab, lobster, and softshell clams.

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