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smoothed Meaning in marathi ( smoothed शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गुळगुळीत, अडथळा दूर केला जातो, अडथळे दूर करा, इस्त्री करणे, गोड बोला, आराम, कपडे घाल, गोड व्हा,



smoothed मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

भारतातील कायदे स्नानाचे पाणी तापविणे, चहा-कॉफी वगैरे गरम पेये बनविणे, पावाचे तुकडे भाजणे, स्वयंपाकाचे साहित्य तयार करणे, अन्न शिजविणे, भांडी घासणे, कपडे धुणे, कपड्यांना इस्त्री करणे, केर काढणे अशी घरगुती कामे करताना उपयोगी पडणाऱ्या साधनांचा गृहोपयोगी उपकरणांत समावेश होत.

smoothed's Usage Examples:

Similarly, other rows of C can be multiplied with the 35 values to obtain other polynomial coefficients, which, in turn, can be used to obtain smoothed values and different smoothed partial derivatives at different nodes.

Once saturated with oil, the lagging attracted coal dust and ash, which provided combustible material, and sparks from heavy braking would set the lagging on fire underneath the air-smoothed casing.

To ease maintenance and lubrication, panels of air-smoothed casing ahead of the cylinders were removed from 1952, and the front sanders were blanked off.

The walls of the tomb are not decorated and were not smoothed, possibly due to the poor quality of the limestone; the only markings on the walls are black dots apart on the smoother walls; they may be mason's marks.

in the spelling of the Clementine Vulgate), "out of smoothed (possibly planed) wood".

the bubble can be further heated, blown, and smoothed and shaped on the marver to give whatever final shape the glassblower wishes, with an embedded lacy.

Let s_t represent the smoothed value of the constant part for time t, b_t is the sequence of best estimates of the linear trend that are superimposed on the seasonal changes, and c_t is the sequence of seasonal correction factors.

Since its introduction in 2001, smoothed analysis has been used.

demonstrated (with the meager computing resources available at the time) that unsmoothed sample periodograms were unreliable estimators for the population spectrum.

A P-form (for plastically moulded form) is a smoothed depression eroded by ice into bedrock.

when instruction and reading followed by digestion and contemplation have effaced all rudeness (e- (ex-) + rudis), that is to say, smoothed away all raw.

distribution (WVD), as all other TFDs can be written as a smoothed or convolved versions of the WVD.

If the sampling time is fast compared to the time constant (\Delta T \ll \tau) then\alpha \approx \frac{\Delta T} \tau Choosing the initial smoothed valueNote that in the definition above, s_0 is being initialized to x_0.


ironed, smoothened,


permanent-press, rough, unironed,

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