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slighting Meaning in marathi ( slighting शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




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slighting मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

" नंतर त्यांनी असा दावा केला की जागतिकीकरणविरोधी चळवळ विकसनशील देशांतील गरीब आणि कष्टकरी लोकांचा व्यापक पाठपुरावा करण्यात अपयशी ठरली आहे आणि त्याचे "सर्वात प्रबळ आणि अत्यंत निंदनीय टीकाकार नेहमीच कामगार होते ज्यांचे रोजगारापासून मुक्ती होते.

अशा व्यक्तींना (ज्यांनी निंदनीय कर्म केले आहे) त्यांना पापी म्हणून वाळीत टाकले जावे असा आदेशही ते धर्म ग्रंथ देतात.

" पहिल्या सहस्रकाच्या सुरुवातीला लिहिल्या गेलेल्या एकाच शास्त्रग्रंथामध्ये फ़क्त एकदाच असा उल्लेख येतो की, "ज्या व्यक्तीं अतिशय निंदनीय कर्म करतात त्यांना त्यांच्या वर्णातून हाकालले जाते".

हा प्रकार अत्यंत निंदनीय आणि घृणास्पद आहे.

तापमान वाढल्यामुळे ते अधिक निंदनीय होते.

अमेरिकेचे अध्यक्ष जॉन अ‍ॅडम्स यांनी १७९८च्या राजद्रोह कायद्यावर स्वाक्षरी केली, ज्यात "अमेरिकेच्या कोणत्याही कायद्याचा विरोध किंवा प्रतिकार" केल्याबद्दल किंवा "खोटे, निंदनीय आणि दुर्भावनायुक्त लेखन" किंवा प्रकाशिन केल्याबद्दल दोन वर्षापर्यंतची शिक्षा ठोठावली जायची.

⚖️ 'बॉलिवूडसाठी "गंदा", "मैला" "ड्रगी" सारख्या निंदनीय शब्दांचा वापर', सलमान, शाहरुख, अजय देवगन रिपब्लिक टीव्ही आणि टाईम्स नाऊ विरोधात दिल्ली हायकोर्टात.

18 मे 2017 रोजी वयाच्या 77 व्या वर्षी निंदनीय हेमेटोमा ग्रस्त झाल्यानंतर त्यांचे निधन झाले.

slighting's Usage Examples:

Dioscorides calls him a disciple of Asclepiades of Bithynia and speaks slightingly of him and others of the same school for a lack of care in investigating.

resolution is followed by the fourth resolution which is, “not to speak slightingly or use nicknames which tend to humiliate, off end or discourage him.

On 2 December 1803, Goethe mentioned the death slightingly in a letter to Schiller: "Poor Vermehren has died.

He considered rhetoric to be the central intellectual discipline, slighting other aspects of the philosophical tradition.

Rabbi Simeon taught that because Rachel treated the righteous Jacob so slightingly (as to trade away sleeping with him for some mandrakes, as reported in.

relationships, and may include bullying, gaslighting, and abuse in the workplace.

For instance, Billy Wilder's The Lost Weekend (1945) focused on alcoholism, inaugurating a cycle of films dealing with drug and alcohol abuse; and Gaslight (1944), based on an earlier play, dramatized and became the namesake for the psychologically-abusive technique later known as gaslighting.

disinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim"s beliefs.

Pope Felix III saw the prestige of his see involved in this slighting of Chalcedon and his predecessor Leo"s epistle.

forming part of a local royalist rebellion in 1648, the castle escaped slighting and was garrisoned by Parliament, but fell into ruin around 1660, eventually.

important through participation in great enterprises, and teach him to think slightingly about the sacred vocation of marriage.

Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford spoke slightingly of him and his mistress, Anna Maria Faulkner including alleging that.

Tony now turns on Kit confesses he has been gaslighting Kit with help from his lover, their neighbor Peggy (Natasha Parry), in a scheme to kill her for the money he cover up his embezzlement.


depreciative, deprecatory, deprecative, belittling, depreciatory, uncomplimentary, deprecating,


uncritical, increasing, flattering, favorable, complimentary,

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