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sleepwalked Meaning in marathi ( sleepwalked शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


एखाद्याच्या झोपेत चालतो,



sleepwalked मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ते शाळेत असताना अबोल आणि स्वप्नाळू होते परंतु पुढील आयुष्यात त्यांनी त्यांच्या साहसावर जगभर व्याख्याने दिली.

कोणत्याही भाषेचं बंधन न ठेवणारी, स्वत:ला ‘टार्गेट’मध्ये बांधून न घेणारी अशी वैदेही एक स्वप्नाळू अभिनेत्री आहे.

परंतु या वरील वृत्तींमुळे व बदलांमुळे किशोरवयातील मुले एकीकडे न ऐकणारी, अनादर करणारी, उद्धट, हातबाहेर गेलेली, बेफिकीर व बेदरकार वाटतात (विशेषतः मुलगे) तर दुसरीकडे ती हळवी, स्वप्नाळू, अस्थिर, भेदरलेली, प्रलोभनांना पटकन बळी पडू शकणारी वाटतात व ती धोक्यांना बळी पडण्याची शक्यता वाढते (विशेषतः मुली).

स्वप्नजा स्वप्नाळू (बाल-कुमारांसाठी मजेदार लेखांचे पुस्तक.

(२०-७-२०१६) ‘एका लग्नाची दुसरी गोष्ट’मध्ये त्या कुहू नावाच्या एक स्वप्नाळू कवयित्री आहेत.

विषयांचे बंधन नको, निसर्गाचे वर्णन, अज्ञेयवाद आणि गूढगुंजन, ओसाड जागेचे व रात्रीच्या भयाणपणाचे तन्मयतेने वर्णन, अतिमानुष व्यक्तींचे वर्णन, मरणाची उत्कंठा, स्वप्नाळू वृत्ती, दर्पयुक्त आशावाद, आत्मकेंद्रितता, समाजाविरुद्ध बंडखोरी, वस्तुजाताचे वर्णन करीत असताना वास्तववादाचा अवलंब न करता कल्पनावादाचा (आयडिअलिझम) अवलंब करणे.

क्लिक पॉईंट : स्वप्नाळू अभिनेत्री (लिहिलेले- वेदवती चिपळूणकर) .

नाविन्याची ओढ व नवनिर्मितीच्या इच्छेमुळे या वयातील मुले उत्साही पण अस्वस्थ, अस्थिर व स्वप्नाळू वृत्तीची वाटतात.

sleepwalked's Usage Examples:

sleepwalking on a few rare occasions (which led her into trouble once as she sleepwalked out of her window and was hit by a car).

The White she knows tells her, that she has sleepwalked again, until the police brought her to his house.

Indianapolis, the NY Giants, Cleveland, Denver, and Arizona, while the Jets sleepwalked to 2–6, beating only Denver and Arizona.

friends at Syon House, forming a bond so close that Shelley apparently sleepwalked his way to Medwin"s dormitory.

described his upbringing as middle class and "privileged," saying he "sleepwalked" through his young adulthood, avidly playing four years of football in.

Meanwhile, the actual Baroness is shown to have finally sleepwalked off the manor roof the previous night, and died.

in 45% of children who have one parent who sleepwalked, and in 60% of children if both parents sleepwalked.

It is then revealed that Ian Dormouse was a shifty vagrant who sleepwalked through life but he has since converted to become the Dream King, the.

Disturbing Scenes 11 November 2013 PG Some Disturbing Scenes The night Guoli sleepwalked, he asks Zhiqing back at home who she liked the most – the black (Jiang.

The United States sleepwalked to a six-point halftime lead before taking over in the second half in.

biased lecturing) was convinced he was guilty, believing that he had sleepwalked when the crimes were committed.

The following night, Storm keeps waking up to find that she has sleepwalked a distance away from the camp.

fractures in a sleepwalking accident whilst on holiday in France (Quinn sleepwalked out of a first floor window of the villa he was staying at in the South.


somnambulate, walk,


ride, stay in place, misbehave,

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