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slanderous Meaning in marathi ( slanderous शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निंदनीय, लबाड, बदनामीकारक,


खोटा कलंक लावला, हेवा वाटणारा,

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slanderous मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

🌍 चोरी लबाडीरो धन घरेम मत लावजो। – भावार्थः चोरी करून खोट बोलून पैसा कमाऊ नका किंवा तशा पैसा घरात आणू नका।.

सत्तेमध्‍ये सर्वत्र लबाडांचा उदोउदो सुरू झाला.

लई लई लबाड दिसतोय ग.

कोण प्रामाणिक कुणात लबाडी.

अण्णाजी दत्तों- महाराजांचे अमात्य,अनुभवी आणि कुशल प्रशासक पण तेवढेच लबाड , भ्रष्टाचारी.

बाजीरावाप्रमाणेच माधवरावांना देखिल चैन, आळस, लबाडि बिलकुल खपत नसे.

फार दयनीय अवस्थेतील एक लबाड माणूस साईबाबांच्या दर्शनासाठी आला.

इतर वैदिक ग्रंथांमध्ये व्यभिचारास पाप, जसे की खून, अनैतिकता, राग, वाईट विचार आणि लबाडीशी तुलना केली आहे.

आता या जनतेन अशा लबाडांना धडा शिकवून आपण सर्वसामान्य जनता काय आहे आहोत हे या निवडणूकीत नक्कीच दाखवून द्याव हे मात्र खरं.

ब्राम्हणांच्या धार्मिक लबाडीबद्दल बोलताना ती म्हणते, 'ब्राम्हण लोक म्हणतात की, इतर जातींनी वेद वाचू नयेत.

तो माणूस लबाड होता हे त्यांना माहिती होतं परंतु त्याची अवस्था त्यांना बघवेना.

तिसरा म्हणतो, ' हा पुरता लबाड, आणि त्याची दृष्टी धोकादायक आहे.

slanderous's Usage Examples:

Hubbell sought to take his place in the Senate by throwing slanderous headlines in his "Journal" which he mailed out by the thousands.

defined as "vulgar verbal abuse; foul-mouthed; coarse, vulgar, abusive, or slanderous.

due to being in Iraq and labeling Dadrian"s allegations as "deliberate obfuscations, misquotes, and slanderous comments.

at the request of Pope Benedict XIII, wrote two articles in which he heaped up accusations against the Jews and repeated old, apparently slanderous charges.

instance, when Armenian-American as well as Armenian-Russian relations are slanderously exposed.

Such were the sentiments he aroused that some slanderously maintained that the second n in the latter publication should give place.

As all slanderous statements are made away from Kwango, or whispering, the Bayaka have imperturbably pursued their traditional activities in all areas: art, craftsmanship, construction, hunting, fishing and agriculture.

Gories Peerse, a merchant who had written an entertaining and somewhat slanderous poem about Icelandic geography and ethnography.

to film the documentary, but the result was subsequently attacked as slanderous by Chinese authorities and the Italian Communist Party.

contents shortly before his death) were slanderously characterised as lechers and usurers, and could be recognised in the first set of verses by the.

content being aired by a media outlet is not profane, libelous, lewd, slanderous or vile.

In Chile, the crimes of calumny and slanderous allegation (injurias) are covered by Articles 412 to 431 of the Penal.

Moore claimed that Townsend slanderously alleged that he was guilty of fixing juries.


calumniatory, denigratory, libellous, calumnious, harmful, denigrative, libelous, defamatory, denigrating,


nontoxic, benign, constructive, inoffensive, harmless,

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